Hic Rhodas
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Hic Rhodas
ParticipantThe rate of abstention is very significative. It’s encouraging for me that the islamist wouldn’t have so much support.Interesting the links of Socialist Banner.Pd. Yes I knew about SWP. It’s sad that they could won honest people for their awfull trot program.
Hic Rhodas
ParticipantIf you want to read a more complete analysis:
Chattopadhyay seems me very interesting, an this book have a rigourous analysis of the item.Hic Rhodas
ParticipantI think the main argument it’s very simple and it’s a question of basical insctint of class. The URSS was without doubt a society of opresion, where the surplus value produced by proletariat was at control of a burocracy. Such a thing like “objective needs” of society doesn’t exist, production were plannified according interests of burocracy that not were tha same as common people. For instance, the high inversion in military industry and the few on goods of consume for the people. And as a whole the superstructure as a totalitarian state can’t be independent of the tipus of society.Maybe, if we are comparing USSR with “normal” capitalism there are peculiarities. But, even in the most extreme resolution may be consider the “bureaucratic colectivism” hipothesis. But thats implies another case of State of opresion and explotetion, thus no “critical support” can be given by an authentical socialist organizacions.I conceed we have to examine the positions of Cockshott in order to clarify the situation and thus have a better understanding as marxists of the details of the situations. Theoretical fight is a way of study and to get a better socialist formation.But the position of principles, like I have argued, is very simple.
Hic Rhodas
ParticipantI think Chomsky its a good scientist and a politically honest man compromissed against the injustice and change of society. But it’s in that later question when he has dificulties. Can we say he’s a conscient socialist?. I’m not sure but would like to know your oppinions in that sense.
In the reaseach of language he has obtained original results. But unfortunately he has’t made such an effort in order to achieve a coherent political system. He has written a lot about the lies and crimes of sistem, but he’s definition like ‘libertarian socialist’ is very loose. He has denounced the soviet system like State Capitalism, but he have expectations in Chavez and such peculiar left. Or his vision on geopolítics assumes the schema imperialism-antiimperialism, more than a conscient fight of classes.
If he is a Boddissatva, it’s too dificult to me to say.
Salud.Hic Rhodas
ParticipantMay be some interpretations of dialectics have been methaphisical, even between honest revolutionaries, in that way: ‘as we have dialectics we have a superior method of analisis” and then then proceed ignoring the real data of reality, even when they obviosly are instead their “dialectical and superior analysis”. That its not a scientifical use of dialectics; that is a “bíblical exegesis” of scriptures of Marx. The method don’t excuse us to examine and study reality even with rigour and detail. But that don`t disqualify all the dialectic methot but “exegesis”.
For exemple, Alan Woods that thinks Big Bang is impossible acording to Engels Dialectics. !!!!!!!!!
For exemple, if you have read Prygogine or in general about “chaos theory”, you could be experimental and mathematically treated results that agree with insights of dialectics.
Salud.Hic Rhodas
ParticipantWell, I wrote a flyer and published it at alternative media:
There you have the flyer attached like “Word” document.
Unfortunately was to late to make paper copies.
I’ll translate it to English to know your opinion.
About the strike, not too much people stop working but there was a lot of people at demostrations.
Salud.Hic Rhodas
ParticipantI have found this link:http://www.worldsocialism.org/spgb/pamphlets/trade-unions
Hic Rhodas
ParticipantThank you. I`ve read a part of these of this articles and I’ve translate several. Some of them are in the blog of Marcos: I have meet him in google.group in Spanish. Some of them can you find in my blog:http://icorsoc.blogspot.comI’ll continue readind another that you suggest. I’ll be glad translating every interesting thing.Salud.