Personal introduction..

September 2024 Forums General discussion Personal introduction..

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  • #81184
    Hic Rhodas

    Hallo, I’d want to introduce myself to companions in forum. I’m writing from Valencia-Spain and lately I’m feeling an incresing agreement with wiews of wsm. I have been sympathetic about ‘council comunist’ and ICC, but now I consider the absolute need of socialists for changing society and ‘spontaneouty’ can’t solve that problem. Also, if I consider the “revolutionary wave of 1917-1923” I see a lot of mad insurrectional adventures (for example Germany) that couldn’t work. Or cathastrophists visions about revolution now seem me ilogical. I stand now for a conscient and majoritary revolution. That’s why I trying to know more about WSM.


    Socialist Greetings


    Welcome, perhaps you could try and meet up with someone from WSM.




    Welcome . Perhaps you will find some of our Spanish-language  articles easier reading if you have not already seen them.  They can be found here

    Hic Rhodas wrote:
    if I consider the “revolutionary wave of 1917-1923” I see a lot of mad insurrectional adventures (for example Germany) that couldn’t work. Or cathastrophists visions about revolution now seem me ilogical. I stand now for a conscient and majoritary revolution.

    Have you seen this article about this period that appeared in the Socialist Standard of the time (February 1919)? Also, this article about why the events of November 1917 in Russia were not, and could not have been, a socialist revolution.There are other similar articles on the Education section of this site here:

    Hic Rhodas

    Thank you. I`ve read a part of these of this articles and I’ve translate several. Some of them are in the blog of Marcos: I have meet him in in Spanish. Some of them can you find in my blog:http://icorsoc.blogspot.comI’ll continue readind another that you suggest. I’ll be glad translating every interesting thing.Salud.

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