Zionism and anti semitism

October 2024 Forums General discussion Zionism and anti semitism

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    Israel evicts Palestinian family in Jerusalem’s Old City and replaces them with settlers

    The Abu Asab family are originally from the Baq’a neighborhood of southern Jerusalem, and were kicked out during the Nakba in 1948. In the 50’s, they relocated to the Muslim Quarter of the Old City in a home that once belonged to the Jewish Meisel family. The Meisel family left their home during the 1948 war. In 1970, the Israeli Knesset enacted the Legal and Administrative Matters Law, which stipulated that property assets formerly belonging to Jews in East Jerusalem would be returned to them. Palestinians who were forced out of their homes were not granted the same right. The Maisel family dedicated the property to a trust. A few years ago, settlers managed to appoint themselves as directors of this trust, and in their name they sued the family who lived in the property.

    “‘Everything Palestinian in Jerusalem is targeted by Israeli occupation,’ said Palestinian Archbishop of Jerusalem’s Greek Orthodox Church, Atallah Hanna on January 29 during a meeting with a delegation from the medical aid organisation Doctors without Borders. ‘The Islamic and Christian holy sites and endowments are targeted in order to change our city, hide its identity and marginalise our Arabic and Palestinian existence,’ the archbishop added



    French lawmakers have proposed a bill on Monday that would make anti-Zionism a criminal offence in the same way that anti-Semitism is illegal in France.

    Sylvain Maillard, one of the French lawmakers behind the proposal to criminalise anti-Zionism, has rejected accusations that his bill conflates the two issues.
    “You can criticise the Israeli government, but not question the state’s right to exist,” he said. “No one is questioning the France or Germany’s right to exist.”

    Macron also spoke out against the measure during a press conference on Tuesday yet explained. “Those who want Israel to disappear are the same people who want to attack Jews.”



    Who is this nutty Frenchman who wants to make it a crime to question a state’s right to exist? We and the anarchists do for a start for each and every state.And China challenges the right of Taiwan to exist. There might well be some nostalgic Unionists who challenge Eire’s right to exist. And Pakistan as a state based on religion is just as much also an aberration amongst capitalist stats. What’s the harm in people saying these things?


    Labour Party’s Jewish members described by Board of Deputies as “The usual bunch of anti-Semitism deniers” …

    And the mention of ex-member Luciana Berger is denounced as “particularly disrespectful” by simply repeating her claim that Labour was “sickeningly institutionally racist” on the basis that she had suffered “years of anti-Semitic abuse, much of it from fellow party members”.



    So just who is trying to suppress opinions and views?


    Is one of those signatories,. Selma James, the Marxist-Feminst, founder of Wages for Housework and ex-wife of CLR James? If so, she must be getting on a bit. Strange though that’s she’s ended up in the reformist Labour Party.


    An insightful interview that is well worth a read

    Israel Is Not-So-Subtly Targeting Jeremy Corbyn

    It is particularly relevant when it refers to the efforts by the Israeli government to finance and influence its pro-Israel lobby of Labour MPs, something that has been consigned to silence by the media. Yet RT and Russia have done a lot less and they achieve headlines when it comes to their propaganda.


    It never stops

    No debate, no discussion permitted, no counter-arguments allowed.



    Ephraim Borowski, director of the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities, said that the Labour Party’s failure to deal with antisemitism met the definition of “institutional racism” laid out in the ground-breaking Macpherson Report,

    Macpherson defined institutional racism as “the collective failure of an organisation to provide an appropriate and professional service to people because of their colour, culture or ethnic origin”. Mr Borowski said a “pattern of antisemitism” had emerged in the Labour Party.

    He said: “Once can be a mis-speak, twice can even be a coincidence but repetition over and again is a pattern from which you can draw inferences. It is very saddening to see that, but it’s a fact.”



    Macpherson was an old fool who wanted to make it a crime to express racist comments in your own home.

    Meanwhile the UN has gone “anti-Semitic”:




    Almost 500 Labour supporters of Jeremy Corbyn have signed an open letter apologising to the Jewish community for the party’s “collective failure” over tackling antisemitism.


    Was Williamson right. The Labour Party has been too apologetic?

    As previous mentioned in earlier post, where is the debate on Israel’s government intending to fund 0ne million pounds in swaying political opinion in the UK?

    Doesn’t the Tories possess any anti-semites or are they a unique collection of people?


    Just heard a silly Labour MP, Siobhain McDonagh, MP for Mitcham and Morden in London, say on the radio that if you are anti-capitalist you are anti-semitic because this means you are against rich Jews. She said such people, by which she meant anti-capitalists, had no place in the Labour Party. Which in a sense is true – if you are against capitalism there is no place for you in the Labour Party as it is a party that has always supported capitalism. But of course you can be against capitalism without being anti-semitic.

    Having said that, the sort of “anti-capitalism” that circulated at the Occupy camps and within Zeitgeist a few years ago (attacks on “banksters” and finance capitalists, currency crankism, New World Order, conspiracy theories) did have an anti-semitic tinge with leaflets frequently singling out the Rothschilds.  It seems that some who were influenced by these ideas joined the Labour Party as part of the Corbyn intake. Not his fault of course, but it brings out the importance of our view that banking is not the essence of capitalism but this is just one sphere of capitalist investment for profit that is not particularly worse than any other spheres.

    The pre-WW1 German Social Democrat August Bebel is supposed to have described anti-semitism as the “socialism of fools”. The “anti-capitalism of fools” might be a better description.



    Here’s a transcript of what she said. At about 7.36 John Humphries asks her if she thinks it’s the case that the Labour Party is not taking antisemitism in its ranks seriously.

    MacDonagh: I’m not sure that some people in the Labour Party can because it is very much part of their politics, of hard left politics, to be against capitalists and to see Jewish people as finances of capital, ergo you are anti Jewish people.

    Humphries: In other words, to be anticapitalist you have to be antisemitic?

    MacDonagh: Yes. [pause] Not everybody but there’s a certain stand of it.

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