Violence V. Non-Violence

May 2024 Forums General discussion Violence V. Non-Violence

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    Coincidently to my comments on another topic thread, i came across this related article on non-violent protests.

    The Cult of Violence Always Kills the Left

    “Che put forward a phony analysis of how the Cuban revolution was won,” Rudd said. “According to him it was won solely by Fidel and Che going into the Sierra Maestra [mountain range]. Armed struggle was the only thing that was important to the Cuban revolution. All other aspects of the revolution, including 20,000 people who were murdered by [dictator Fulgencio] Batista in the cities, the national strikes by the unions, the street protests by women, university students and the Cuban Communist Party were wiped out of history. There was only one thing to do, pick up the gun.”


    Here is a 2012 SOYMB blog on Syria advocating non-violence resistance.


    Tell a lie.. it's from my own personal blog


    In that expression of Ernesto Che Guevara, we can see the wrong conception of leadership and that revolution is made by an individual or a minority. It was not violence or the guerrillas that produced the victoryThe ruling class stopped supporting the old government, and they opted for supporting them, otherwise, they would have been defeated completely. The Anarchists had more incidence in the working class than the Stalinists of the CCPThe USA was no longer supporting Fulgencio Batista and they did not want to give more weapons to his government, it was Rafael L Trujillo who sold more weapons to Batista government built at the Armeria San CristobalThe FARC had more members, more powers, more resources, more moderns armaments and they gave up, and after the peace treaty the Colombian government and its assassin had killed several members of the Farc and they are not going to participate in the election process as they planned to do because their leaders can be killed.If we had a majority of consciousness workers around the world willing to establish socialism, capitalism will last less than a roach on a chicken nest


    An essay that offers a civil-disobedience approach to resisting Israeli occupation

    “…Violence plays into Israel’s hands. Civil disobedience and general strikes by Palestinian laborers, boycotts, and mass peaceful demonstrations at check points and the borders would paralyze Israel. That’s the genius of peaceful resistance—it turns military might into a weakness and can turn worldwide public opinion into a powerful weapon for change.”

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