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  • #174361

    Hi, Tim

    Hope ya deein canny yersel marra.


    ps thanks for your kind message


    Hello James

    Just to give you a heads up and clarify some of the points you raised

    About account   (@World_Socialism):

    The account is currently owned by a non-member very sympathetic to the SPGB

    It is not a ‘fake account@’  It is very genuine with a unique design

    Its followers are largely Jeremy Corbyn supports and part of a #SocialistSunday hashtag group so you would  not be interested in them anyway.

    Reporting such accounts to the authorities and shouting ‘fake’ does a disservice to the SPGB and the case for socialism

    Nevertheless I hope you have an enjoyable holiday



    Sussexsocialist  said:

    Is it possible for the internet committee to get all our accounts Twitter verified as the SPGB one isiand to perhaps challenge the use of World Socialist Party on that other account?

    My emphasis

    Which one(s)?

    These ten accounts  twitter.Some have used #socialistsunday to shout out

    There are also individual members with pseudonyms.

    Then there are others such as

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by vincentM.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by vincentM.

    I thought I would move this post here as it is more ‘ontopic’ and central to the party’s past discussions on the use of twitter


    Alan said:

    The head of the first globalist organization attacks nationalism



    just out of interest, shouldn’t this post include the caveat that you do not support the Pope nor the Catholic church.  (personally I don’t think it should.

    I tweeted your post and it could appear that I support the statement from the Pope

    I ask in order to perhaps help members understand ‘Twitter’ better.




    Hi, Happy New Year all. Firstly I didn’t say it was a fake account, OP did. I took this at face value. My mistake. I have now re- followed this account.

    I am now using a feature Twitter has. You can ‘protected your tweets.” Only people who follow you can view your tweets. So this means I no longer end up into the early hours, and days even weeks “debating” with hateful trolls.

    My, AbolishWagesSys and the Party Twitter account were highly recommended to others by another user.

    When you post a tweet, you can view your tweet activity, the number people who looked at your tweets, liked etc.

    My best tweet of 2018, was on Diane Abbots MP, I got 400 ‘hits’, saying why is she in the Labour Party, a party of racism?

    Max, is doing sterling work, one of his tweet got 379 likes, and another just almost  500 likes.



    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by james19.

    James said

    I am now using a feature Twitter has. You can ‘protected your tweets.” Only people who follow you can view your tweets. So this means I no longer end up into the early hours, and days even weeks “debating” with hateful trolls.

    Hi James


    I block Trolls after a warning, they are there to waste your time. I get flooded with rubbish on Stalin and Venezuela. I tell them that their reference to countries with wages and profits as ‘socialism’ reveals their monumental ignorance on this subject.  They can’t even identify capitalism never mind socialism.

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