The Young Karl Marx: the movie

May 2024 Forums Off topic The Young Karl Marx: the movie

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    Just popped up on my timeline on Facebook. Details of a drama film currently being filmed about the relationship between marx and engels in the lead up to the writing of the communist manifesto. one to bookmark for future reference:


    Discarding the paternity of Helene Demuth's son Douglas (still disputed by some) the romance of Jenny and Karl i think does stand out as a remarkable relationship well worth the Hollywood touch.But it seems from the link that the movie will concentrate on will be between Karl and Fred.It is surprising that no one bothered to do any decent TV series of the whole Marx family…his daughters are deserving of their own episodes in a drama and Engels and the Burns sisters too….A lot more fascinating than Downton Abbey or whatever the latest period drama happens to be just now. I simply don't accept it the reason is that it is not of interest but instead simply to ensure they are not treated as personalities and individuals since their too human characteristics doesn't match what they wish us to know. Of course beause they did have personal flaws, a biography, warts and all,  ..(or in Karl's case boils)…an equally destructive to reputations one could could be made by the media…


    Yes sounds interesting, I posted on Facebook as I was unable to post it here.  


    There is Marx Ha Vuelto from 2014


    Started to watch the Marx Ha Vuelta but what struck me…Marx is depicted rather as a frail old man (especially since in 1848 when he wrote Communist Manifesto he was in his prime)… more like James Randi. Whereas "The Moor" offers the image of someone strong forceful and powerful. Someone like the bearded Brian Blessed is much more the sort of actor i would envisage … thundering voice…devastating glare…Someone not to mess with, despite whatever age.  


    Not James Randi….Uncle Albert from All fools and horses, that's who this Marx reminds me of

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