Swiss vote on gold-backed franc

May 2024 Forums General discussion Swiss vote on gold-backed franc

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    An interesting article on an upcoming referendum in Switerland on whether their Franc should be supported by 20% gold stocks and apparently exposes the rich/poor divide.

    The poorer Swiss want the gold reserves because a stronger franc increases the purchasing power of their wages. Whereas the richer Swiss who have money invested in stocks know a higher franc will reduce exports and the value of their shares.

    The Swiss Gold Referendum



    I see they just rejected this by a huge 78-22 majority: suppose this means that if people accept capitalism they can be persuaded to vote for what's in its best interest or at least what the dominant section of the capitalist class consider this to be.They also rejected by 74-26 a proposal to drastically cut immigration: proposal was presented as being needed to protect the environment rather than simply to keep foreigners out. The xenophobes in Britain haven't yet thought of this, but I expect they'll get round to it. As the saying goes, hypocrisy is the homage vice pays to virtue.

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