Special post-election conference on the party and its future

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Special post-election conference on the party and its future

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    You got the idea, Vin,  because i kept harping on and pushing for one, that would involve issues much wider than simply feedback on the election campaign which will be the remit and limit of this Outreach meeting and why ALB thinks the title is silly which i plead innocent of…i kept saying it would be a premature discussion (message#5 on this thread and also on other threads) until we have had reports from the likes of Oureach.Hopefully, since there will not be a special conference despite the value of one, time will be specially set aside at ADM, perhaps an extra day…or an added evening session…if that doesn't curtail the Manor Arms bevvying too much.  

    Rule 23 wrote:
    A Special Conference shall be called on a requisition signed by six Branches in good standing being sent to the Executive Committee.

    Per previous discussion on this question, it would appear that provisions for a special conference are unclear: how long the lead in and call for agenda items would take, etc.  I would expect the requisition would have to contain the agenda, but it would still take about two months to get 6 branchess to sign, a further month to mandate delegates, etc. so ADM looks a better prospect for raising issues.


    I don't think the title is silly at all. I think it suggests a party-wide discussion on what we need to be doing in the future. 

    northern light

    I know it's only been a week since the election, but has there been much public interest generated by party activity. Any Form A's perhaps?


    To expect applications to join is a bir premaure, but there have been 50 requests for an information pack and free 3-month trial subscription to the Socialist Standard.


    I have just watched Howard on Daily Politics for the first time and I have to say I was impressed by him.  and Andrew Neil was pretty kind to us . Well done Howard.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUMaBg7bdGU

    Mike Foster

    Regarding the suggestions for a special conference on our future strategy, Summer School will cover some of this ground. There will be talks and discussions re-examining basic socialist principles, to suggest where we could place our emphasis in upcoming campaigns. At the moment, there isn't a specific session planned on our approach to elections, but I'm sure the subject will come up!More details can be found here:http://www.worldsocialism.org/spgb/event/summer-school-perspectives-socialism


    How did the Outsource meeting go?How many turned up?Briefly because i know a full report will be getting made, what was the overall conclusion about standing 10 candidates? Did the people at the meeting consider our vote and media exposure worth the cost and energy and recommend repeating the venture?


    Seven of the candidates and 3 of the election agents were there and discussed the election campaign and the vote and various documents that had been submitted for the meeting. There will be a Conference Proceedings type report in due course but give the minute-taker a break. He's at Wembley at the moment watching Preston play Swindon for promotion  the Second Division (or whatever it's called now).

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    How did the Outsource meeting go?How many turned up?Briefly because i know a full report will be getting made, what was the overall conclusion about standing 10 candidates? Did the people at the meeting consider our vote and media exposure worth the cost and energy and recommend repeating the venture?

    The meeting was very productive and the agenda covered all the issues and problems encountered during the campaign.  We resolved some of them but there are further issues to discuss on the subject of 'Key messages and communication strategy'  I've suggested to Rob Cox that he create a new thread here on that subject so all users can make a contribution.In the meantime it would be appreciated if all party members and supporters contact others to get on the new thread for contributions.  We want plenty of discussion before ADM takes place.About 12-13 attended.


    The Minutes of the Outreach Department's meeting on 23 May to review the election campaign are included in the Election Committee's report to the EC on the election that has now been uploaded to the files section of Spintcom. It's Annex 2.

    ALB wrote:
    The Minutes of the Outreach Department's meeting on 23 May to review the election campaign are included in the Election Committee's report to the EC on the election that has now been uploaded to the files section of Spintcom. It's Annex 2.

    Seeing that not all users on here can access the file section of Spintcom can I suggest you make the report into a google doc?


    Blast from the past about the Party Name issue:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1aTziZrTTUWe get a mention at 4.34 minutes in and maybe at 1.13 ….


    I note they call us the "formerly Socialist Party of Great Britain" as if we have given up the name and then they say we are comrades of the SPEW, still identifying us as left-wing. Perhaps we should make use of the spin-doctor's slogan…"We're the Real Thing"…It is a sad indictment that the same the clip from Life of Brian is still being re-played so there has not been any resolution of the situation that is repetedly highlighted despite Taafee optimistic claims that they stand for the broad church approach of a federated socialist party and their attempts, failures.As i have suggested, i think we should invite all those "socialist" parties to a hustings-type meeting and make it incumbent upon them to explain why.  

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Perhaps we should make use of the spin-doctor's slogan…"We're the Real Thing"…

    Or a spin on the CAMRA posters Campaign For Real Socialism. I think the Socialist Standard used it years ago.CAMRESOC: The Campaign For Real Socialism  

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