Russian Tensions

July 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions

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  • #226710

    As always the left is taking side with one bandit of the conflict, now their hero is Putin, they left Stalin in order to worship Putin


    Of course there is not going to be a full-scale invasion and there never was. The most that might happen would be an incursion into the breakaway areas but I doubt if Russia would do even that without an ultimatum giving Ukraine a time limit to implement the Minsk Protocol. That would put the US bloc on the spot. Ukraine not honouring an international agreement.

    Biden is saying that there will be an invasion next week but this is just to show that the US bloc has already taken this possibility into account. It’s a bargaining ploy. He will only be saying what his Secretary of State and “intelligence” services advise him to. I suppose he could even believe it. I don’t suppose they mind if he makes a fool of himself when no invasion takes place next week any more than it did last Wednesday.

    Public opinion doesn’t enter into it. They are manipulating this and in any case don’t care of any side-effects on the mental health of vulnerable people, as you have pointed out.

    Here’s an extract from what Ukraine President Zeletsky said at Munich:

    “He also said he did not know what Vladimir Putin wanted, which is why he proposed a meeting, saying he was willing to discuss the Minsk agreements with him.”

    And here’s what the Chinese foreign minister said:

    “At the same time, Wang said “all countries’ sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity should be respected and safeguarded”, and that “Ukraine is no exception to the principle”. He also urged a return to the Minsk II agreement “as quickly as possible”.”

    The thing is to keep your nerve as we watch a real life display of capitalist diplomacy based on might is right or at least on as perceived might.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by ALB.

    It’s fascinatingly stuff apart from the UK idiots.


    Type “WW3 Russell Brand” into a search engine to listen to his rant against the mainstream media’s reporting on the Ukraine affair and why. He makes some telling points.


    Both sides are playing their own games. No invasion is going to take place. The only thing that Russia is going to do is to support the Ukrainian militias


    While agreeing that in all probability that full-scale war is not likely, I do not possess the same degree of confidence that it is not a real possibility.

    If capitalist politics were as rational and as planned as being assumed, there would never have been any wars in the past.

    Having read the American opinion polls that MS linked to, one pleasing aspect is that the hysterical scare-mongering of some politicians is not entirely shared by working people.


    The view of Scott Ritter

    The Evidence for Invasion the US Could Produce

    “the bottom line is that unless Russia is given the security guarantees it is demanding, war might be inevitable.

    Biden and Blinken will once again cry “wolf.” But it won’t matter; the die will have already been cast, and everyone involved will have to deal with the consequences of human folly.”


    The view of Boris Johnson:

    “Ukraine: Russia plans biggest war in Europe since 1945 – Boris Johnson”

    His usual bombastic quasi-Churchill rhetoric. All the others in Munich will be laughing at him. Anyway he might not be there next week.

    Forgot to add that it’s Sunday and there was no invasion yesterday as predicted. The likes of Boris and Biden have 7 more tries.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by ALB.

    But the govt might regiment us civilians, force us to leave home and take part in nuclear war drills.
    What should socialists do in such a situation? Go along with it, or refuse?


    Biden calls NSC. Not a good sign!


    Byelorus war games extended BECAUSE OF TENSION IN UKRAINE, Russia says, which suggests they are not just normal drills.


    At the 11th hour, Biden and Putin agree to face-to-face talks

    And as I previously said, the history of Munich remembered

    J Surman

    Craig Murray re the OSCE in Ukraine. (Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe)

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    Interesting is that the UK, US and Canada have withdrawn their staff from this monitering mission.

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