Russian Tensions

November 2024 Forums General discussion Russian Tensions


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  • #226505

    From the Internationalist Communist Tendency

    The workers of one country share the same interests as the workers of the other. This is a fundamental principle of Marxism, which postulates that “workers have no fatherland.” It is for this that the workers of the US don’t have any interest in fighting against and killing the workers of Russia, nor do Russian workers against Ukrainian workers, etc. If they send us to the battlefields, we have to do as the Russian, German, and French soldiers did during the First World War, or as many US soldiers did during the Vietnam War; that is, refuse to kill our fellow workers under a different flag, and make war against those that send us to fight!

    But one cannot begin the struggle against imperialist war in a vacuum. We have to contextualize the recent machinations of the world bourgeoisie within the global crisis of capitalism, which now extends 50 years ago to the beginning of the 1970s. The bourgeoisie does not walk down the path towards war just because they feel like it, but rather because they find that, in addition to attacking the working class, it is the only path to alleviating their cyclical crisis of the tendency for the rate of profit to fall over time. Additionally, while the crisis continues exacerbating itself in its impact on the working class, nationalist mobilizations and propaganda are useful tools in distracting our class. Instead of recognizing that the bosses are our enemies, our bosses want to fool us into thinking that our enemies are over the border.


    “The bourgeoisie does not walk down the path towards war just because they feel like it, but rather because they find that, in addition to attacking the working class, it is the only path to alleviating their cyclical crisis of the tendency for the rate of profit to fall over time.”

    The CWO is part of the ICT so this is a classic statement of their mistaken view that capitalism needs a world war to devalue capital by physically destroying part of what it has been invested in so that the rate of profit (the ratio of profit to total capital) is raised and capital accumulation can resume.

    Two quick points.

    Capital can be devalued (become worth less in money terms) without what is has been invested in being physically destroyed. In fact this is the more normal way. Also, productive resources can be physically destroyed without a war.

    50 years is rather a long time for the supposedly inevitable world war to come so that capital accumulation can continue. After all there were about 20 between the world wars of the last century. In fact in that period capital accumulation has continued despite going through a number of boom/slump cycles and the amount of capital accumulated today is more, in both physical and value terms, than it was in 1970.


    Nearly forgot. Today is supposed to be D-Day but nothing has happened.


    “But the wheel’s still in spin and there’s no telling who that’s naming”. (Dylan)

    It is as yet, unfinished business, he is keeping all on tiptoes.

    He’s wrestling NATO’s fingers away from his throat. A defensive measure it could be seen as, however strong the smell of war.

    It’s no’like they have ever been invaded before is it?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by PartisanZ.

    But Ukraine as a neutral buffer state won’t sit well with nationalists and paramilitaries there, who seem to be entwined with the administration.
    Having an enemy to focus on is their raison d’etre. They know they’ll fade away otherwise.



    I don’t circulate, so I don’t know.
    Are the British workers you meet on a daily basis imbued with hatred of Russians now? You hear chatter in pubs etc.

    Bijou Drains

    The majority of people I meet in pubs have very little interest in the situation in the Ukraine, most are more interested in the price of a pint and the ongoing drama of Newcastle United FC.

    The only comments I have heard about it in pubs was two people of my generation saying they don’t want their grand kids to have to go and take part in a war, and a general feeling that Johnson is using it to distract people from Partygate


    Who to believe?

    Russia is building up its military forces on Ukraine’s border with more troops on their way, contradicting Moscow’s claims of a drawdown, Nato’s secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, has said.


    UK Denies It Agreed to Train Neo-Nazi Linked Ukraine Unit

    There are many Neo Nazis groups in Europe and it does not mean that Fascism/Nazism is a real danger, the real problem is capitalism, and the capitalists have always made agreements with different types of extremist groups including the Taliban


    Ukraine Crisis Should Have Been Avoided

    Ex USA Ambassador has indicated that this is only a war hysteria in collaboration with the USA media


    “The bourgeoisie does not walk down the path towards war just because they feel like it, but rather because they find that, in addition to attacking the working class, it is the only path to alleviating their cyclical crisis of the tendency for the rate of profit to fall over time.”

    The CWO is part of the ICT so this is a classic statement of their mistaken view that capitalism needs a world war to devalue capital by physically destroying part of what it has been invested in so that the rate of profit (the ratio of profit to total capital) is raised and capital accumulation can res


    Another classic conception of the leftist is that the USA needs a war because it is in bankruptcy. Most of them believe in the so-called National Debt and National deficit, and they are money cranks too


    Nearly forgot. Today is supposed to be D-Day but nothing has happened.


    Stalinists and Trotskyists are always following and inciting the war hysteria, and they see fascists and nazis all over the earth. They have created a new concept known as Post Fascism. The falling rate of profit is not the main cause of the cyclical crisis, it is produced by overproduction


    Who to believe?

    Russia is building up its military forces on Ukraine’s border with more troops on their way, contradicting Moscow’s claims of a drawdown, Nato’s secretary-general, Jens Stoltenberg, has said.


    I saw a video that shows that the Russian are moving their tanks unless they are exchanging the old tanks for new tanks


    Matthew Culbert
    “But the wheel’s still in spin and there’s no telling who that’s naming”. (Dylan)

    It is as yet, unfinished business, he is keeping all on tiptoes.

    He’s wrestling NATO’s fingers away from his throat. A defensive measure it could be seen as, however strong the smell of war.

    It’s no’like they have ever been invaded before is it?


    It is just a political maneuver to retreat without any humiliation. Russia is not in condition to face a war at the present time

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