Red-rose-green Alliance

May 2024 Forums General discussion Red-rose-green Alliance

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  • #82971

    We have touched upon in a number of threads here  the response and re-evaluation of the Left to the fact that in a recession with increased repression and suppression of workers conditions there is no rise in effective resistance. The share of the vote for the Left has dropped. So there has been a new approaches…claiming some success…as mentioned Podemos, Syriza and in the UK, mere shadow of the other examples as usual with Brit politics, LU. 

    It now appears a similar move is afoot in France where workers discontent benefited the Right. 

    French Left Go for Syriza Effect

    My reading is that these re-allignments on the Left appear to be simply re-phrasing old programmes.

    And around what common platform? “The fight against austerity, the establishment of a Sixth Republic, the defence of public services, the fight against transatlantic trade treaty, establish a policies for nationalization or state participation in the capital of large industrial enterprises,” said the afflicted Liem Hoang-Ngoc, who was optimistic that a genuinely progressive and politically powerful coalition could be forged. “When we want to unite, we can do it.”

    Keeping re-stating old demands, hoping for a different reception,  is a sign of insanity,  to corrupt a well-known Einstein saying. (i know we too can be accused of the same fault but we hope to find a solution to our communication impasse)

    Paris 1968 and Occupy 2008 gave us imagination. I don't see the follow-through by those trying to devise organisation demands resurrecting dead and buried  past platforms as a basis of unity. 


    I've had a look at the site of Nouvelle Donne and I'm afraid it's not very impressive. As a way of getting out of the slump they advocate giving everybody a monthly payment of €150 (about £120), something that's been tried in Taiwan and Japan.I don't think much of their logo either. It's too like the "flash in the pan" logo of the old British Union of Fascists and its successor the Union Movement.


    i had to look up the 6th Republic reference. Was hoping it would be similar to the Third Revolution…alas, not.My purpose in raising over the past months the left wing response to the recession and to politics in general was to explore whether there was a qualative change in all these developments. Had they taken the lessons of Occupy/ Indignados and began to apply them…again , alas, not. It has not been the Left who have been benefiting from workers unhappiness and discontent but the nationalists, patriotic and separatist. Sad to see that ND thought they should appropriate their imagery and try to emulate them. The Left are going around in circles , returning to the populism of the 30s, replace a few words, a few phrases and its back to resurrecting the dead I'm struggling to suggest an alternative strategy. Is there one? You have reminded us that the words socialism and revolution have returned to common currency but somehow i think the words have changed. As usual i have been scouring the Marxist Archive site and revolutionary words …wage slavery …were much more in common usage…they didn't mean low wages as it is so often applied these days …they meant literally slavery…in fact i could and have re-worked articles that are not out of place in contemporary times. Even in the environmental movement those who share our vision are still out-worded by reformists.If only we could make a real impression by creating unity with the minority who do understand capitalism and why it and the state won't bring a solution. I wonder if we are fully playing to our strength in this area. I can see a possibility of a real anti-capitalist alliance and as it is with individual environmental activists , not covered by a hostility clause. Maybe we should host a conference, and yes , even pay the expenses of invited speakers…there are after all just a handful but they do have more influence than we do. …not a serious idea…just something to think about…

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