Paul Mason: a proper thread on his book

February 2025 Forums General discussion Paul Mason: a proper thread on his book

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  • #113205
    imposs1904 wrote:
    Paul Mason posted this on his Facebook page about five years ago.

    That can't be right. More like five days? For example, his book on Postcapitalism only came out last year.


    Actually, now he's freelance, I wonder if we could snare him into a debate?  "Which way to postcapitalism?" or somesuch?

    ALB wrote:
    imposs1904 wrote:
    Paul Mason posted this on his Facebook page about five years ago.

    That can't be right. More like five days? For example, his book on Postcapitalism only came out last year.

    Oops, I meant to write five hours ago. Blame it on a (nearly) five year old who likes to inflict on me late nights asking about Yellow Yaks and Africa. 


    I always blame the parent in such cases.


    When Mason was in Workers Power Osborne was in the Bullingdon Club, so they've both got pasts to live down, though Osborne always was a Hooray Henry while Mason was  never a revolutionary Marxist only a Trotskyist.


    @OfficialSPGB tweeted something to Paul Mason about ever-cheapening goods resulting in capitalists increasingly abandoning those and looking elsewhere for profits, to which he replied "Remind us what the profitable ones are?" Anyone want to suggest a suitable reply?

    maxhess wrote:
    @OfficialSPGB tweeted something to Paul Mason about ever-cheapening goods resulting in capitalists increasingly abandoning those and looking elsewhere for profits, to which he replied "Remind us what the profitable ones are?"Anyone want to suggest a suitable reply?

    Bombs, tanks, planes, ships, barracks, airfields, uniforms, bullets, water boards, etc…Of course, that'll be 'post-capitalism', to Paul Mason.


    There will always be some profitable lines of industry, but the problems come from seizing up the lines of credit.  Primary accumulation can still occur (principly through mass bunkruptcy).  Servicing mega slums (and reaping the benefits of falling wages).  When servants become cheapr than new toys tech advance slows down.


    Some may find this article of interest.A bit too long and a bit out of my depth but others might appreciate its content


    A review of Mason's book by a one time/sometime contributor to this forum:

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