Party Video 2016

September 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Party Video 2016

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  • #118437
    Bijou Drains
    gnome wrote:
    lindanesocialist wrote:
    [he more members are aware the better, don't you think?

    Well yes, in theory.  I realise it's hearsay as I wasn't actually present, but nevertheless I'm reliably informed that, going by the discussion that took place at the May EC meeting, most (all?) EC members had not viewed the videos and were consequently uninformed about their content, especially with regard to the background music used.  At least one member knew nothing about YouTube thinking that it was necessary to subscribe in order to watch uploaded material.  Another got confused with a video Vin had made two years earlier which had some content which could be deemed to infringe copyright.  However, that particular video did not mention the party or refer to it directly in any way. Hardly surprising then that the EC ended up passing the motion that it did.  Garbage in; garbage out…

    That decision making process reminds me of a day spent in court many years ago as part of my professional training. An applicant had applied for a gaming machine licence for his pub, the local council opposed the application and we observed four hours of heated  argument in front of a judge, which concluded with the judge asking "and what exactly is a gaming machine?". So they had to adjourn the hearing whilst the judge was taken off to a local pub to play a one armed bandit!The point is that if EC members are going to make decisions about issues, surely it is part of their brief to have some degree of background knowledge of the issues, or for them to abstain.


    I would have thought if members of the EC (a party administrative body) were only partly aware/informed of what was taking place within the party they belong to, they may have at some point thought it a good idea to get fully informed by one means or another? Especialy as the issue would at some point require a decision being made by them.

    lindanesocialist wrote:
     The EC moved to disassociate itself on behalf of the Party from the clips off YouTube and elsewhere produced and published by you for reasons of lack of prior consultation with the EC and unauthorised use of Party emblems. I have to let you know that in light of the above the EC rescinds your appointment to the Audio-Visual Committee" 

    Vin has asked me to say "Democratic Centralism at its best, as is my continued censorship by a central committee" 


    I am not sure how Kent  branch meeting keeps being  'bumped' above other posts? Is this done by mod or another user?


    Nothing sinister.The latest post simply goes to the top or takes an existing thread back to the top. Automatic and nothing to do with any intentional interference. If you want your topic to remain at the top – keep updating it. But i rather you didn't do that unnecessarily because there are new topics that may well deserve to be the lead one for a while. 


    Aye OK 

    gnome wrote:
    Well yes, in theory.  I realise it's hearsay as I wasn't actually present, but nevertheless I'm reliably informed that, going by the discussion that took place at the May EC meeting, most (all?) EC members had not viewed the videos and were consequently uninformed about their content, especially with regard to the background music used.  At least one member knew nothing about YouTube thinking that it was necessary to subscribe in order to watch uploaded material.  Another got confused with a video Vin had made two years earlier which had some content which could be deemed to infringe copyright.  However, that particular video did not mention the party or refer to it directly in any way.

    Here are the two videos referred to above which are currently in the public domain and now feature on the site set up by WSPUS members.'s all hope that EC members have now viewed them and sufficiently acquainted themselves…


    Here is Vin Maratty's latest version of a possible introductory video to the party which has been submitted to the Executive Committee for consideration.


    Just watched this. V good. However could a foreign audience actually understand the text as narrated by a heavy regional accent? No problem for anyone here in the UK. But for an English student in Moldova or a housewife in Nigeria? In the comments section underneath the video on YouTube a lady asks for a full transcription saying "it would be easy to understand clearly and translate in several languages". Forgive me but you need a new narrator for this. With crystal clear diction. 


    The diction is perfectly alright and personally I don't see a problem with the accent. After all, there are news readers on the BBC with broad Scottish accents and people can understand them. It's not as if he (or they) is using words like "bairns" I take it somebody is going to be at the EC meeting next Saturday to show this video to them?


    I hope they have watched it advance of the EC meeting so as not to take up valuable time viewing it during the meeting and instead have their positions ready to exchange with other members and reach a decision.  

    ALB wrote:
    I take it somebody is going to be at the EC meeting next Saturday to show this video to them?

    Do they need wet nursing then?  Every individual EC member has been sent a link to the video…


    Why mention Scottish Newsreaders ALB? Because I'm a Scot? How pathetic. Same old same old with the SPGB I see. The commentary might be easy for you and I to understand but surely this is a global message and the guy narrating is going to cause people to switch off abroad. Not that anyone will watch the fucking thing anyway. 

    Ozymandias wrote:
     The commentary might be easy for you and I to understand but surely this is a global message and the guy narrating is going to cause people to switch off abroad.

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