Party Video 2016

February 2025 Forums World Socialist Movement Party Video 2016

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  • #118632
    lindanesocialist wrote:
    What about a Video on WHAT SOCIALISM ISN'T,1.Back to Barter2.Sharing Money out3.State ownership4.Giving our money to poor and hungry people5.Peace and Love6.Taking your car and 50 in TV  from you to feed the hungryetcI think these are the things that people think when Socialism is mentioned.  Needs to be aimed at a broad audience. Nothing technical or theoritical but simple. Any ideas?

    Please note for convenience I've numbered the suggestions.Yes,yes.  From my daily experience on Quora getting past the negatives is the biggest problem.  In order of priority it would be 3. along with making a false distinction between communism and socialism.  2.& 4. are about the same. 1., 5., & 6. are way down the line.If I had a link to vid rather than to text the viewing figures would go way up.


    Thanks for that Mod1 and your suggestions. Maybe others can be added to the list and prioritised.I added number 6 because I think it is important to the average 'non-political' member of the working class. The mere mention of socialism and they fear their 'standard of living' will suffer to help the poor. They will have to share their money out etcBut there are many Myths we could cover.For my own part I think it needs to be humorous. Any comedy writers in the Party?


    Videos can already be privately shared on YouTube. Just upload them as "unlisted" then only people who the URL is passed on to can view the video.Titling the video "DRAFT" would make things doubly clear. That seems the most practical solution.

    Matt wrote:
    Videos can already be privately shared on YouTube. Just upload them as "unlisted" then only people who the URL is passed on to can view the video.Titling the video "DRAFT" would make things doubly clear. That seems the most practical solution.

    Thanks for that cde. It was  mentioned sometime ago and I believe Comrade Poynton has pointed this out to the EC. Here is a helpful video problem' with 'unlisted' will be passing the link from one member to another unless I am missing something  

    moderator1 wrote:
    If I had a link to vid rather than to text the viewing figures would go way up.

    Which Video? Vin is suggesting the party produces a video on the subject. The first step would be a democratically agreed statement as explained in Vin's Video here course the statement could be produced by an appointed committee to speed things up. If we go through the EC then the issue may well have passed before the video is issued


    There is in fact a Conference Resolution, from 2013, on the sort of videos needed:

    That the EC acknowledge the need for Party writers to produce 10-minute scripts on specific subjects for use at public meetings and on video.

    i.e. 10 minute videos not block busters like Capitalism and Kids Stuff.

    ALB wrote:
    There is in fact a Conference Resolution, from 2013, on the sort of videos needed:

    That the EC acknowledge the need for Party writers to produce 10-minute scripts on specific subjects for use at public meetings and on video.

    i.e. 10 minute videos not block busters like Capitalism and Kids Stuff.

    As Vin  suggests here:   ?By the way the negative images are used just to show how video can be added. Better quailty can be achieved with a better green screen and studio lightingAnd this one is just over 8 minutes

    Keymaster A 6 minute animated video….perhaps not 100% our socialist case but certainly instructive on the way it could be expressed


    Found a ready made script on Quora:  I think the viewing figures and upvotes speak for themselves.From here:  Why do so many people hate their jobs? James Altucher, Blogger, author, social media, investor, wall street investorUpdated Apr 12, 2013 Jobs are modern-day slavery. We are paid just enough to live and not more. You are punished if you ask for more. We are often verbally abused on the job. Sometimes (more than is reported), physically abused, raped, castrated. The government gets up to 50% of your paycheck and then 10-20% of that goes to kill people on other parts of the planet, including our own children. We are deluded into thinking our job-friends are our real-friends. With our job friends we talk about pens and cubicles. We stop having real-friends. There's a glass ceiling. It doesn't matter if you are a woman or minority or a white man. The glass ceiling is that you aren't allowed to make more than your Master, even if he's an idiot. From 7am to 7pm you are either going to work, at work, or coming back from work. The times when you can be most creative are garbage-compacted into your cubicle. You eat shit at work. And, even worse, you have to shit next to your co-workers and Masters. Unless, like I have, you make a map of all the secret bathrooms in your local urban blight. When you are paranoid at a job, you are probably correct. THEY are, in fact, talking about you and backstabbing you right now. You realize that all the dollars you spent on degrees to get you a job that will make you happy were completely wasted. You were scammed but you can't let the next generation know so now you become part of perpetuating the scam. A trillion dollar marketing campaign forced you to buy a house you didn't really want and now you will "lose a house" you never really owned if you don't bow down to the Masters every day. The words "The American Dream" were coined by Fannie Mae in a marketing campaign 40 years ago to sell mortgages to slaves. Your spouse is tired of hearing about your job after six months. And you couldn't care less about hers. Ten years later you wake up next to a total stranger. 40 years later you die next to one. Your IRA was not intended to provide for your retirement. It was intended to take money from you every month so you remain chained to your cubicle. Inflation then takes 90% of your IRA. By definition: you create more value than you earn. That spread, minus executive salaries, is called "profit". This is not an "-ism". Just a definition. When you were a kid you liked to draw, and read, and run, and laugh, and play, and imagine a magical world. You're never going to do any of that again. Over time everyone is getting fired and being replaced by younger, cheaper, more temporary versions of you. You see this but are afraid to do anything about it. You see homeless people and think, "there but for the grace of God go I". Ok. Now. What are you going to do about it?276.8k Views · View Upvotes · Answer requested by 1 person Upvote9.9k 


    As you know comrades, Vin can no longer make a contribution on this issue.

    lindanesocialist wrote:
    As you know comrades, Vin can no longer make a contribution on this issue.

    I think it's reasonable to say that the ideas being pitched here do not require a contribution from Vin.  Just a message from you saying the links are duly noted and bookmarked would be sufficient imo.What's the saying about adapting and surviving?

    ALB wrote:
    There is in fact a Conference Resolution, from 2013, on the sort of videos needed:

    That the EC acknowledge the need for Party writers to produce 10-minute scripts on specific subjects for use at public meetings and on video.

    i.e. 10 minute videos not block busters like Capitalism and Kids Stuff.

    Actually, West London branch, which proposed this resolution, practised what we preached. We made two experimental 10-minute videos. They weren't very good but like Vin's they had the merit of exisating. I've just found the disk and can send it to someone who can put the two videos somewhere for people to see what they think.


    Send them to me I know someone who would be more than happy to make them accessible.According to its secretary, West London Branch will be considering a members' proposal to make short videos and an  'impressive' video at next Tuesdays meeting.  

    gnome wrote:
    Here's a possible contender as an introduction to the party made and uploaded by the newly appointed member to the Audio/Visual Committee.

    new URL  address:


    #249,Brian posted that on our blog with a couple of graphics it is downloaded on your computer and the right format, perhaps the blog can use the videos. Not sure of the technicalities, so no promises

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