No Indyref2

July 2024 Forums General discussion No Indyref2

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  • #240693

    Looks, then, as if Labour is not going to have too much trouble winning back its traditional Catholic vote !

    As Scottish Labour Leader, Anas Sarwar, is a Muslim they might not.

    Bijou Drains

    The situation regarding Sarwar might be slightly more complex due to the football/sectarian intricacies of West Coast Scotland.

    Celtic supporters have made a big claim of being immigrant friendly and it is claimed more ethnic minority Scots support Celtic than support Rangers.

    Also Celtic fans have recently begun display flags supporting Palestine with Rangers fans using Israeli flags at Ibrox.

    Old Firm supporters I have met really struggle with the concept of anyone not being on one side or the other of the sectarian divide.

    When asked by Old Firm fans which side I really prefer I have taken to saying I like both teams and like them both to do well, which really confuses them.


    Good news! The SNP seems to be in melt-down. Maybe we’ll now hear less of that irrelevant distraction of a separate Scottish capitalist state they say is their ultimate aim (while being a common or garden reformist party in the meantime).


    So the Tartan reformists have chosen a new Leader. He’ll just be in charge of running the administration in the Scottish region of UK plc. Not even national leaders can make capitalism work in the interest of the majority wage-working class. Regional leaders even less. Setting up a separate Scottish state wouldn’t make any difference either.


    Well, well. The Tartan reformists have been corrupt too. That ought to mean the end of their completely irrelevant and divisive campaign for a separate Scottish capitalist state. It looks like Scottish workers are going to avoid being led up that particular garden path.


    Now they arrested Sturgeon herself. With the Alec Salmon scandal too, workers in Scotland must be relieved that the separatists lost the 2014 referendum. Otherwise they might have found themselves living in a corrupt, banana republic. This should kill off that diversion for, hopefully, a long while.

    The problem is not decision-making in London, but capitalism.

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