May’s London Council Elections leaflets being delivered now

September 2024 Forums General discussion May’s London Council Elections leaflets being delivered now

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  • #86165

    Just wondered if this is us or the Post Office

    Nothing wrong with making good use of old leaflets of course. Just curious.


    Yes, it is us. But that's a quick reaction as we only finished distributing them a couple of hours or so ago. Due to the death of one of the candidates in the London Bridge & West Bermondsey ward of Southwark Council, the election there was postponed from 3 May to 14 June. The tweeter, who presmably lives in the ward as that's where the leaflets were distributed, appears to be unaware of this. There is no free postal distribution for local elections.As this was the ward next to the one we contested we decided to disribute the 400 or so of the leaflets left over from May. I expect the other parties will be doing the same. We did see a couple of Labour posters. Anyway, we got a reaction.


    Much obliged! Will pass on this info to the person who tweeted to us.


    I see she's a Tory but she can't be a very active one as it was the death of one of the Tory candidates that caused the election to be postponed. Not that the Tories count in Southwark any more than we do. They haven't got any councillors there. The election is a two-horse race between Labour and the LibDems. Nice of her, though, to publicise a picture of our leaflet.

    Bijou Drains

    Nice to think we've screwed up some Tory's day by putting a leaflet through their door, god knows the Tories have pissed me off enough with their bloody leaflets.Why not ask this supporter of capitalism if she's has the courage of her convictions and is willing to debate the SPGB in a public meeting?I would do it myself (send the tweet), but as a self confessed technophobe, I have no twitter account, and have no intention of getting one!!

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