Islington Junction ward by-election

February 2025 Forums World Socialist Movement Islington Junction ward by-election

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    Last pushes”Well, I’ve not done my Robo-leafletter routine this time out, for many and several decidedly pedestrian reasons. I finally got out last night, and, is it me, or are the stairs getting steeper? I only did one street and council estate. I decided to disregard my usual compliance with ‘No Junk Mail’ stickers, since I was giving out so few. I know our counter argument is that an election address isn’t junk mail, but that won’t make people actually read it or look to twice to see it isn’t a pizza flyer.I was looking forward to leafletting Aveling House (a reminder of Islington Loony Left days, no doubt), however, I found that having got myself buzzed past the external intercom, that each landing had a locked door/intercom system. Obviously, people on an estate are entitled to feel secure, but there is a democratic question of how we can get to deliver leaflets to them. I know I’ve ranted about this before.On my way home, I discovered quite a crowd of Labour activists actually canvassing my street, which is quite intensive to any local election. They didn’t call on me, someone must have had the sense to take my name off the list.Maybe Labour are learning the lesson of Eastleigh, national level elections are won one ward at a time. Certainly, we’ve now leafletted the entire ward, so thanks and congratulations to hard working comrades for managing that at short notice. I overheard one woman point blank telling the Labour canvassers that she simply wasn’t going to vote, I hope there’s not too many of them, and of those who do vote, they at least consider the message we have distributed.”

    Alex Woodrow

    This By Election in Junction Ward gives local people in Archway a REAL choice in who they vote for. There's no reason why Bill Martin can't win. A local bloke willing to work hard in the interests of the community, plus I heard leaflets went pretty much round every property in the ward so everyone knows what the Socialist Party of Great Britain are and what they stand for.Though actually, I guess there is one thing which might prevent Bill Martin from being councillor, and this is that the capitalist media manipulators lie through their teeth and say lies such as "we are evil" or "we are Stalin lovers" which is absolute rubbish because we are against all of that nonsense. Really it is just a question of whether ordinary people can see through the lies of the corporate controlled media and see the truth, the truth that we are a people's front.


    It would be nice to think that reading our manifesto would get people to realise that socialism (a world of common ownership, democratic control, production for use not profit, and acccess to goods and services on the basis of "from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs") was the way out because this, as a matter of fact not just opinion, is the only way out. Unfortunately, for the reasons you give, this isn't the case. So don't be too disappointed this evening that, when the result is announced, we won't have to address Bill as Councillor Martin.


    Vote early, vote once…”Well, that’s what I did today. I made my way round the warren of a School to find the ballot box (I kind of went through the wrong door, but was pleased to see, unlike my old school, this primary school has a school council made up of infants, so at least in Islington they are being taught about democracy from a young age).There was a Labour polling agent, who informed me that they were only checking my number so they didn’t come round later knocking me up: I’d be impressed if they were actually organising a get out the vote campaign. More likely, they just want the data for future canvassing purposes.So, for the third time in my life, I vote me! (No ego kick there, then). I always enjoy voting, it’s strange how a quiet prosaic act, so insignificant in itself, can wield such power and, I’ll say it, majesty. I look forward to the time when we have enough of a base to put out polling agents and a get out the vote campaign, that’s the other lesson of contesting election, you see how it’s done and organised, something stay away rrrrrevolutionary groups won’t see.”


    Here's the result (more or less what we anticipated):Labour 1343 (61.9%)Green 381 (17.6%)LibDem 276 (12.7%)Con 120 (5.6%)BNP 31 (1.4%)Socialist 18 (0.8%)

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