Dear Socialists and Communists

July 2024 Forums General discussion Dear Socialists and Communists

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    Dear Socialists and Communists, dear Neoliberalists too

    How is it going? Hope you all are doing fine. Well, I am writing this letter to all those intellectuals who call themselves ‘socialists’ and ‘communists’. I call myself ‘democratic socialist’ too. But you know what!!  It doesn’t matter what we call ourselves. As long as there are hungry children out there crying, it doesn’t matter what we call ourselves. As long as there are poor people sleeping on the streets under the shadow of the skyscrapers owned by neoliberalists, it doesn’t matter what we call ourselves. It doesn’t matter what we call ourselves, if we still see people dying in wars, women getting raped, and poverty taking toll of our living standards. You say you want “socialism”- a particular kind of ‘socialism’. Ok! Fine with me. The rest of you say that only “communism” can solve the problems of the world. Perfect! What else do we want? Best wishes to you. Nomenclature: “Socialism” “Communism” “Capitalism” “Neoliberalism” is not my fight. I don’t care what system we have in the world. All I care for is: no one sleeps hungry, people have access to medicines when their life is at stake, each and every one of us lives his life with dignity enjoying all the fundamental human rights that we should have, each one of us has roof over his head and …(so on). Is it not what we all care for? I don’t care what you call yourselves or what ideology you believe in as long as the result is a better world where everyone is taken care of by the system and none is neglected. If you can do this, I will stand by you- even if you are a neoliberalist. I do respect your ideas and I sincerely hope they work- I hope they work to make this world a better place. But dear friends, just remember one thing- the fight of ideology should not remain a theoretical one. It should achieve the results- those results that are practical to be achieved and sustained; results that correspond to the basic ‘fabric’ of the mankind. Utopia is what we all want but a better world is what we all can achieve. The extent of how better it can get will depend on the system we are able to establish. The system which we seek to establish has to be a practical one. Anyone (of course! anyone with intellectual depth) can write volumes and volumes of philosophy and ideology here citing complex and complicated theoretical doctrines and principles. These are good, crucial and interesting discussions, of course! But will that philosophy bring the change that we want to see in the world is a different question.  I don’t care if your ideology works or mine. We, – you and me and the rest of the world- , will see the change when it is brought into the world.

    I wish the best for the world,


    Socialist Center

    Paramjeet Singh


    Hello Socialist CenterWe socialists here on this platform want the same things you do, an end to poverty, homelessness, needless disease, starvation, and war. We have identified the cause as capitalism. It can sometimes look like isms are all important, but we are not really that bothered what you want to call it so long as it has a realistic chance of success. But we can't do it alone, a few hundred socialists in a sea of apathy, ignorance and misdirection have no chance of changing the operating system of capitalism. It's been tried time and time again and failed.We can only bring about a positive lasting change to society when enough people understand and want to bring such a change into existence.If you wish to attempt to turn the existing system, capitalism, into something it can't be, that is your choice. Should you decide to go down that road you will meet with failure.The alternative, if you are serious about real change, is to join with the World Socialist Movement and help swell the ranks of a movement that wants and works towards an end to the obscenities of capitalism.I believe there is a group in India. I do not have contact details but perhaps someone on this forum may be able to provide them.

    SocialistPunk wrote:
    I believe there is a group in India. I do not have contact details but perhaps someone on this forum may be able to provide them. Socialist Party (India), 257 Baghajatin ‘E’ Block (East), Kolkata – 700086Tel: 033-2425-0208Email: 

    SocialistPunk wrote:
    The alternative, if you are serious about real change, is to join with the World Socialist Movement and help swell the ranks of a movement that wants and works towards an end to the obscenities of capitalism.

     How should we do it? Or How you propose to do it?  


    Capturing political power.If there's democracy we'll use it.

    jondwhite wrote:
    Capturing political power.If there's democracy we'll use it.

    What for people will vote? And Why? 

    SocialistCenter wrote:
    jondwhite wrote:
    Capturing political power.If there's democracy we'll use it.

    What for people will vote? And Why? 

    Socialism – a global system of society in which there will be common ownership and democratic control of the world's natural and industrial resources. Socialists advocate a world social system in which each person has free access to the benefits of civilisation and an equal say in how their society is run; a world in which production is freed from the artificial constraints of profit and used for the benefit of all.Capitalism, with its endless drive to make profits, throws up an endless stream of problems. Many workers feel insecure about their future and work related stress is on the increase. Crime, homelessness, poverty – these are all ongoing problems. A society based on production for use will end these problems because the priority of socialist society will be the fullest possible satisfaction of needs. Abolishing the money system will mean food will not have to be destroyed it can't be sold. Wars will no longer be fought if there are no more borders or frontiers and the source of their cause has been removed. At present it is not 'economically viable' to solve many of the problems that plague us – it eats into profits. Socialism will mean nothing but the best for every human being.


    Hi ParamjeetI'm glad to see you've started asking us questions. Keep them coming – and in case you've missed it, here's a link to our FAQ page, which may answer some of them (and, hopefully, lead to more).

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