Biden’s Presidency

January 2025 Forums General discussion Biden’s Presidency

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    AOC says that Pelosi and Schumer must go.

    The USA congress is like  a Nursing home


    AOC side-lined from membership of a House committee

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gets snubbed by fellow Democrats in secret-ballot vote –

    A sign that we all predicted that the progressives would be shunned by the Democratic Party Machine now that Biden is safely in power.



    Now AOC is like a bull in a china store, she also had an encounter with Marco Rubio, a guy who sees socialists and communist in every corner of the earth, but It looks like a Caribbean  woman put him in the proper place that he deserves



    AOC side-lined from membership of a House committee

    I think she has the aspiration to become a Senator or the President of the House of Representative and they are trying to block her. She has the support of the peoples from her NYC district and within four more years that population is going to be bigger and more Puerto Ricans are moving to New York and Central Florida, and she does not need too much money to run her political campaign


    Biden’s enviromental team seem to carry some ‘street cred’. We’ll see.


    Joe Biden received large donations from the renewable energy industry , electrical energy industry and technology The days of the petroleum are counted and electric car is going to be produced in large quantities by the automobile industry


    As we all knew what to expect promises made in an election campaign are seldom kept.

    A year ago Biden pledged “On day one, I will eliminate President Trump’s decision to limit asylum and end the MPP program ”

    Now two of his appointees, say the Migration Protection Protocols (MPP), will not be immediately suspended and that Biden will “need time” to undo Trump’s immigration policies.

    From “Day One” to We Will “Need Time,” Team Biden Walks Back Vow to End Trump Attack on Asylum Seekers | Common Dreams News


    The same thing as Barrack Obama, who made more promises than a Bolshevik. The first day that Barrack Obama was elected Ralph Nader said: Is Barrack Obama going to serve the Uncle Tom or the Uncle Sam? He said that because of the cabinet that he was selecting from peoples who served under Ronald Reagan, Clinton and George Bush. Many peoples went after Ralph Nader and at the end, Obama served the Uncle Sam and threw under the bus the Uncle Tom. Joe Biden is going  to do  the same thing and does not make any difference about the so-called diversity, or identity politic


    Alex Padilla to fill Kamala Harris Senate vacancy and once more the media concentrates on this son of working class Latino immigrants origins.

    But policy-wise he is opposed to M4A. He is neutral on the GND and police-defunding. Overall…he is middle-of-the-road, not a progressive


    I am wondering whether this listing of Biden’s appointment of conventional centrist politicians to his administration is not at risk of giving the wrong impression— that if had appointed more progressive  ones that would make a difference?

    We know from experience that the personal character or political views of those running the political side of capitalism isn’t the important factor in what they do when in office. They are governing within the framework of capitalism and in the end have to accept and apply its basic economic law of “profits first”. A whole string of governments made up of leftwing reformers has demonstrated this time and again. They start off making a few reforms but then they are “blown off course” by the workings of capitalism’s economic laws.


    But at times. ALB, you still have to wonder if the American ideological bias is actually the best one for US capitalism. After all, the “progressives ” are only actually demanding what the rest of the developed industrialised capitalist nations already  operate under. Even the most “radical” is still fairly conservative minded, imho.

    Look into the US Left terminology and it is an echo of “life, liberty and happiness” of the American frontierism. It is as if the  world revolves around America’s Hollywood self-image of itself. I don’t want that to sound anti-American but apart from a few interest groups like the Zionists, nothing of importance happen outside the US. Isolationism seems a common political position for most people.

    The Left talk of the $15 as their mantra but to be honest i think  they still haven’t achieved the 8 hour day, the 8 hour leisure, 8 hour sleep demand of the Haymarket Martyrs. The basics such as paid sick leave, paid vacation time, paid maternity and paternity time-off simply seems too Utopian to petition for like pious supplicants on their knees before a king, much less strike for them.

    A whole new mind-set for the socialist movement is required to appeal to our fellow-workers in America. Our language and our arguments need to be specially tailored to suit them. And i say this as one who have read De Leon, Debs and the IWW …who has read the history of their labor wars…and literal wars they indeed were compared to the big British strikes of the past. They have lost their history.

    By emphasising the American progressives…we draw attention to the weaknesses of them, their short-comings, the lip-service they pay to their ideals. We certainly cannot equate them with any revolutionary demands because some very basic reforms sound rrr..revolutionary to them.

    AOC  calling for support for Pelosi as Leader of the House, saying to demand a floor-vote, a simple head-count on support for M4A is a distraction from gaining seats in committees that already they are being side-lined from.

    We all predicted it but we never expected the cave-in to be so quick, so brazen. Biden isn’t even in office yet and the progressives aren’t really bitter about his appointments, they are hailing many of them, especially the important ones  such as environment. And these will be the first to be watered down from the rhetoric by the in-coming officials.

    Apologies for the rant.





    In Canada workers are receiving $2,000.00 a month plus other benefits, whatever the so-called US progressive are demanding now, it has been established in Europe since WW2, it was the norm.

    The USA is so politically backward that they can not even elect a social democrat who was very popular in Europe and Latin America, and they have been one of the biggest collaborators of the capitalist class

    The $15.00 minimum wage is nothing when the inflation ( and the real salary )  is over $85.00 dollars an hour.

    The $600.00 stimulus check is not enough to pay for a room when the average price is $800.00 and the average price of an apartment ( flat ) is $2,000.00 per month, but most of the members of the US congress they are multimillionaire,( Pelosi net worth is 162 million and Mcconnel is worth 34 million)  and they have the best medical insurance and the best retirement plan. They do not give a shit about the workers, and they continuing electing them

    Joe Biden is already backing up from some of his promises before taking office and he can place an Apache to be a minister of any government agency and he/she must follow the same law of capitalism like anybody else. In the beginning, Obama sounded like a Bolshevik and then he became a Zarist( He had to support the Uncle Sam instead of the Uncle Tom )  he had to follow the same law of capitalism like his predecessors.

    The problem is not a race, diversity or sex, the problem is capitalism, but many peoples like binoculars to be able to see the real problem


    The Wall St Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen – $7m (£5.1m) for speaking engagements at government-regulated banks, consultancies and hedge funds over the past two years, 50 paid speaking events for financial firms that included $67,500 from Goldman Sachs, $54,000 from an event at Barclays and $292,500 from a single speech for hedge fund Citadel. $112,500 from a single speaking engagement with UBS, $225,000 from a speech for PwC and $270,000 from an event with the Standard Chartered.

    Who pays the piper, calls the tune, is a phrase that comes to mind.

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