“Anti-Tory” march next Saturday 1 July

May 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement “Anti-Tory” march next Saturday 1 July

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    We will leaflet this march:


    It starts outside the BBC building in Portland Place and ends in Parliament Square. We plan to have a literature stall in Parliament Square from 1 o'clock on. If there's enough of us we will also leaflet the assembly point at 12 noon.

    Pity we have no "The problem is not the Tories … It's Capitalism" leaflets left and that the new one, without Cameron (remember him?) on the front, is not yet available, but we've still got other leaflets.


    This is on Saturday.  Volunteers needed to leaflet this march.  Meet BBC at noon or Parliament Square at 1pm.


    It has now been decided to set up the literature stall at the beginning of the march (rather than at the end in Parliament Square). So, look out for us somewhere near the BBC headquarters at Broadcasting House, Portland Place, Marylebone, London W1A 1AA from 12 noon on. We'll be leafletting in Parliament Square too but without a stall. A member might be stationed near the statute of Churchill with a stack of leaflets.


    We set up table right outside the BBC. Six people out leafletting. This was a pro-Corbyn Labour march, not just anti-austerity. That'll be why there were no Green Party or anarchist contingents as on previous anti-austerity marches. Every mention of Corbyn's name was greeted with loud cheers and Corbyn T-shirts abounded. What with Glastonbury and now this, he's clearly becoming a cult figure.It was also a field day for the various Trot sects. Unfortunately next to us were the maddest of them — the Spartacists and Workers Hammer, though they at least weren't "Jeremy" worshippers. Closely following them in the madness stakes must be the "Socialist Equality Party" which had a leaflet on "The political implications of the Grenfell Tower fire"  in which they said its impact as going to be like that of  "the 1912 massacre of 250 striking miners in the Lena goldfield" in Tsarist Russia:

    The massacre had a catalytic impact, arousing the latent, suppressed hostility of the Russian masses to the existing order and sparking a wave of mass strikes and a re-eruption of revolutionary sentiment.

    Things are not going to be the same after the Grenfell massacre but it's not going to bring Bolshevism.


    Comrades on their way to the march took this photo of the burnt out remains of Grenfell tower from the elevated section of the A40.And the party's stall outside the BBC where the march started.

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