Letter from Wales
“The fault lies in the system and it is natural that individuals should re-act as they do when such an occasion arises.” I pricked my ears up. The speaker was one of a small group of men waiting in the local doctor’s surgery.
It is always good to be in on any discussion about Capitalism and so it was not long before I found an opportunity to contribute. The topic that drew the above remark was actually concerned with Roy Paul, the Welsh international footballer admitting to having accepted a £500 bribe. From there on we continued to probe deeper into the “carryings on,” the actions and statements of important people and organizations in the news.
For example, the Ebbw Vale Election. Though there are four contestants, two only—Labour and Plaid Cymru appear to interest the electorate. Plaid Cymru, the Welsh Nationalist Party, is being aided by its pirate radio station “The Voice of Wales.” They are also introducing “ colour” in the form of music at their meetings—items on the harp. They continue—as in previous elections —to “harp on the theme” “Ruddid i Gymru” (Freedom for Wales).
Another topic was the C.N.D. March. Cardiff was recently chosen as the venue for an attack. Much excitement prevailed, not the least being the closed doors of the Temple of Peace in the face of the marchers (which were later opened to allow them entry). A prominent Communist leader was roundly accused of attempting to make political capital out of the proceedings. This should be a warning to all that the true C.N.D.er may be all for peace as long as you accept the view that the struggle against was has nothing to do with political ideology!
W. Brain