Party News: From The Branches
Bethnal Green Campaign
Comrades will have been well informed regarding wavs and means in which the Party’s election campaign can best be served. The week before the election will be the busiest, so—apart from the work that has been done—please leave plenty of time and energy for the first week in October, to support meetings, sell literature and generally assist in Party work. Comrades not in London can make full use of the additional literature available to circulate it as far as possible and so acquaint workers of the Party’s case and the work to be done for Socialism. Turn to pages 146/7 for more election news.
Hyde Park
On Sunday afternoon, September 6th, a poster drive was held, mainly to advertise the evening’s meeting and Party literature. Several comrades paraded with the posters and over ten dozen Standards were sold. This activity was likened to a miniature May Day, and there is no doubt that whenever possible the Central Literature Sales Committee will organise similar events.
Denison House Meetings
At the time of going to press the first of the two meetings on War was held on September 6th. Comrades Coster and Grant addressed an audience of over 100—75 per cent. being non-Party members. Collection and literature sales were very good indeed. The meeting on September 27th will be reported in the next issue of the Standard.
Paddington Branch organised a propaganda trip to Nottingham on Sunday, September 13th. Several members from the Branch travelled by road. A general get together was held at a Comrade’s house in the afternoon—about 20 members and sympathisers were contacted and the outdoor meeting with an audience between 300 and 400 people was addressed by Comrade May. Literature sales were £2 and the audience was very interested.
The Nottingham members have made plans to continue their good work during the winter months. One of the schemes is to hold introductory discussions after branch business every Wednesday evening. Comrades and sympathisers are keen and are working enthusiastically for the Party.
The Central Branch Secretary would like to contact Comrade W. Reynolds, of Hatfield, whose address has changed. The Secretary has had letters returned.
Delegate Meeting
The Delegate Meeting date has been altered to Saturday, October 31st, and Sunday, November 1st, due to the General Election date. Members will be fully occupied until October 8th, and it has been agreed that the postponement would be advisable. Will Comrades noting this please pass on the information to others.
Hackney and Islington Branches
The Branches are holding Saturday evening meetings in Hyde Park from 8 p.m. Members and speakers are invited to assist and support the meetings.
Ealing Branch
Ealing Branch has just finished its most successful outdoor season at the Gloucester Road station. The line weather has enabled meetings to be held regularly without interruption and attendances and literature sales have been consistently good.
The Branch’s propaganda trips to Southsea have also been most successful. The meeting held on Sunday. 13th September. run in conjunction with Islington and Kingston branches, was particularly good. Speakers spoke for about six hours all told to good attentive audiences. Useful literature sales are reported.
Members are asked to note that an Economics Class is due to begin on Friday, 30th October, and will continue on alternate Fridays afterwards. Tutors will be Comrades Hardy and Coster.
We have been notified of the death of Comrades Snellgrove and Atherton. Both these comrades had been members of the party for a long time and did a great deal of work for Socialism. Obituaries will appear in a later issue of the Socialist Standard.