Party News Briefs
Many branches are continuing to hold discussions after Branch business, and this is proving most successful. Bloomsbury, Camberwell, Chelsea, Islington, Lewisham, Paddington, are a few of the Brancnes which regularly hold discussions. The Swansea and Mitcham Groups also have interesting discussions. This activity is attracting sympathisers to branch meetings, and the informal atmosphere is appreciated by visitors and Party members alike. The next discussion at Bloomsbury Branch is on January 1st, the subject being “Are the Capitalists Cynical?” Comrade Kilner will open. The following discussion will be on February 4th at 8.30 p.m., Conway Hall, North Room.
The Socialist Party of Ireland is holding at least two meetings in mid-January, and arrangements are in hand for a speaker from London to visit them to address one of these meetings. Our Comrades in Ireland are few in number, but they carry on a great amount of propaganda and with these meetings in January they hope to create greater interest in the Party case. This they should do if hard work is justly rewarded.
Paddington Branch is making sure that their meeting at Denison House on Sunday, March 15th, is going to be successful. There is a preliminary reminder elsewhere in this issue and the branch members are anxious that Comrades advertise the meeting well. More details will be given in the February and March “Standards,” but meanwhile this note will enable members to book the date.
Have you obtained any new subscribers for the SOCIALIST STANDARD for 1959? There is still time, and a subscription form is in this issue.
P. H.