Party news briefs
Conference proceeded this year in a very business-like fashion, the Agenda was completed by 5.30 p.m. on the Sunday afternoon. On the first day forty-four delegates were present, representing twenty branches; on Saturday and Sunday the numbers were slightly less. Although the Agenda was a full one, all the items were dealt with, despite the fact that there was no Saturday morning session this year. The dance held on the Saturday was better attended than the one held last year, and a very happy evening was enjoyed by all. On Sunday a Party Rally was held, but the audience was not a very large one, and it has been suggested that the rallies should be discontinued. However, if Comrades would like to see them continued and are prepared to muster up support for them, they can easily voice their views through the branches with a view to the continuance of the Rallies.
May Day. Full details are not yet to hand (at the time of going to press), but good meetings were held in Hyde Park, in addition to the meeting in the evening at Denison House. The Literature Sales Committee will be reporting later on the special efforts made for the sale of the Standard.
Lewisham Branch is holding two more lectures at their Branch Room, Davenport House, Davenport Road. Rushey Green. On Monday, 3rd June, Comrade Ivimey is speaking on the Rent Bill, and on Monday, 17th June, Comrade D’Arcy is speaking on “The Cost of Living.” Both lectures commence at 8 p.m.
The “Daily Telegraph.” In an endeavour to get the Party’s case more widely known, advertisements are placed from time to time in various journals. It was considered that the “Personal Column” of the Daily Telegraph offered one useful medium, but both in May 1955. and again this year (the only two occasions we have approached them during recent years), they declined to accept our advertisement, thus depriving their readers of studying views which may be new to them. This is symptomatic of the difficulty of more widely spreading the Party’s case. Not only are we handicapped by lack of funds, and barred from the air by the B.B.C., but even small advertisements are liable to be banned by the consortiums which sell the news.
The advertisement they refused to accept is given below. No explanation was given, merely a curt note from the Classified Advertisement Manager (6th May, 1957): “It is regretted we are unable to accommodate the above announcement in our columns.”
“It could be worth your while to investigate Socialism (as distinct from Labourism or Russian “Communism”). Why not send for Socialist Comment—a reprint of several outstanding articles from the Socialist Standard? 8d. post free. S.P.G.B., 52. Clapham High Street, S.W.4.”
Our Annual Conference in April decided that a section of the SOCIALIST STANDARD reserved for letters from readers as a regular feature. Readers are invited to send letters of comment and criticism and questions for answer. Letters should be kept as short as possible as space is limited, and the shorter the letters the larger the number that can be printed.