Party News Briefs: Leyton and Bloomsbury

Annual Conference is being held as usual at Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, April 11th, 12th and 13th. The proceedings commence each day at 11 a.m. and it does speed the work of Conference considerably if members and visitors arrive punctually.


The Social and Dance (full details elsewhere in this issue) is being held on Saturday and it is hoped that there will be a record attendance. A band has been engaged and the price of the tickets includes refreshments which are available in the small hall.
Conference Rally takes place on the Sunday evening and Provincial speakers have been invited to address the meeting. This meeting provides a good opportunity for provincial members to be present at a London propaganda rally.


Leyton Branch have been unsuccessful so far in arranging a debate with a local M.P. Challenges have either been refused or unanswered, but there is still hope of getting an acceptance. During the last few months the Branch has continued to hold fortnightly lectures and discussions on a variety of subjects. These lectures have been well attended by members and visitors. It is hoped to run the outdoor meetings this summer without assistance from Head Office, several members of the Branch being Party speakers.


Bloomsbury Branch have held two Sunday meetings in Central London and arrangements will be put in hand to have regular Sunday meetings at the same address during the next indoor winter season. The Trade Union Club having closed, the Branch found it difficult to find an alternative meeting place in Central London after an unbroken record of over ten years at the Trade Union Club. We hope the new venue will prove the alternative.


Phyllis Howard