Bad News—Awful News. For the capitalists

New branches have been formed at Ilford (Essex) and Southend-on-Sea. For particulars see Branch Directory on back page.

Our Comrade Dawkins having gone to reside at Southend-on-Sea, lost no time in introducing the Socialist Party to his new neighbours. Propaganda meetings were started, and held regularly every Thursday evening and twice on Sundays, on the Marine Parade. Very large audiences have taken deep interest in our revolutionary teachings, while the demand for our literature has been great and gratifying. There ia every indication of our newly formed branch developing vigorously and making history in 1912.

Weather permitting, the Sunday morning meetings on the Marine Parade will be continued throughout the winter. Residents and visitors interested in Socialism are also courteously invited to attend the Sunday night discussions and Branch meetings on Wednesdays, at Ashlea House School, York Road, at 8 o’clock p.m.

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