Tottenham Branch Report

We are still carrying on our outdoof operations in this district, despite inclement weather. During the last six months of 1907, 90 propaganda meetings were held, the aggregate amount collected bringing over £13 into the Party funds. Our literature sales are on the increase : during one month we cleared 300 SOCIALIST STANDARDS, 150 “Art, Labour and Socialism,” and 100 Manifestoes. Our flourishing financial position enabled us to donate £2 a month to the Centre. We have enrolled 40 new members during the period. On Saturday, August 10th, we opened up propaganda in Walthamstow, and since then some 16 very successful meetings have been held there, to the obvious discomfort of the local reform parties, who have endeavoured to defend themselves (and incidentally advertise their literature) from our platform, while steadfastly refusing to allow our members to get upon theirs. A debate took place on Sept. 20th between Mr. Whybrow (I.L.P.) and Comrade Anderson on “The Tactics of the S.P.G.B.,” and a Mr. C. Quinn was also met and disposed of the subject being “Is the S.P.G.B. the only Socialist Party?”

We have now a sufficient number of members in that district to form a branch, and the coming summer season will surely see the Walthamstow branch in the “Directory.” On Christmas morning we held a meeting at Seven Sisters Corner, making a special collection for the Head Office, which realized 15s 7d.

We are running a series of discussions in the hall of the “Sunbeam” on Wednesday evenings,, where we “sharpen our swords and test our bucklers” that we may be ready to do battle on the behalf of and in defence of The Socialist Party in

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