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  • in reply to: Book Review: ‘Capital in the Twenty-First Century’ #104898
    mcolome1 wrote:
    Most of the Greek philosophers supported slavery, and the slave master, and they were part of the Nobles class. it was a society whereas the slaves did all the works, and the nobles never worked.

    Message from comrade NW (who is not on this forum): "Most of the Greek philosophers supported slavery". -I don't think we can say that, for one thing, we don't know enough about the lives of most of them. Although certainly Aristotle, Plato and even Socrates had no problem with it, but the Cynics, Diogenes, for example, made a big thing of their poverty.He also writes 'It was a society where the slaves did all the work and the nobles never worked'. That's wrong too. In his book, Athenian Democracy, AHM Jones disagrees with this common view. He writes, (about slaves) "They were owned in the main by the 1,200 richest families and in decreasing numbers by the next 3,000 or so. It is unlikely that any slaves were owned by two-thirds to three-quarters of the citizen population. The great majority of the citizens earned their living by the work of their hands, as peasant farmers, craftsmen, shopkeepers, seamen and labourers". (Page 17) – and he writes plenty more along the same lines. And there is plenty of evidence in Athens various museums to show there was a large population of very poor citizens.

    Letter received from Ron Elbert of the World Socialist Party of the US:Dear ComradesStefan's review of Gary Roth's book on Paul Mattick (February Socialist Standard) is interesting and thought-provoking. There is, however, one otherwise minor point I think it would be useful to bring out. The World Socialist Party of the U.S. did not 'originate' from the Socialist Party of Michigan, as stated in the review.The Workers' Socialist Party was the direct result of collaboration between disaffected Detroit members of the SP of A and SPGB 'slackers' Adolph Kohn and Moses Baritz, on the run from the British wartime authorities. These members, drawing on Kohn's input, resigned as a body from the SP of A, which would not allow the breakaways to use its registered trademark as the Socialist Party of the United States. So they dodged the issue by adding the qualifier "Workers'" to the name.The emergence of the Proletarian Party, on the other hand, was the outcome of mounting conflicts within the SP of A's Michigan affiliate: between the faction grouped around John Keracher, who promoted a radical policy of no reforms of capitalism, and members who had no trouble selling the national office on Keracher's heretical radicalism. The national organization finally 'expelled' the Michigan troublemakers by excluding them from its reorganized state affiliate.The new Proletarian Party, under Keracher's leadership, held views that were generally regarded by the WSP as nearly identical to its own — except for the PP's passionate endorsement of the Bolshevik Revolution. It is true there was a longstanding relationship between the Proletarian Party and the Workers' Socialist Party/Socialist Education Society. But it was a debating interest centered mainly around the latter's infatuation with 'the Russian bug,' as WSP members referred to it. The PP often derisively referred to the WSP as 'revolutionary tea drinkers.'It is in any event somewhat misleading to describe both organizations unqualifiedly as having a common origin in the Socialist Party of Michigan.Yours for socialism,RON ELBERT, Boston, USA

    in reply to: Antonio Labriola: A Strict Marxist? #117039

    Letter received from Comrade Peter Newell.Regarding the ideas and thoughts of Antonio Labriola, readers may be interested in a book, Socialism and Philosophy, a collection of letters and articles, to Georges Sorel among others, written by him between April, 1897, and Hune, 1899, and published in English by Charles H. Kerr & Company 110 years ago in 1906. The translation was by Ernest Untermann from the Italian, the author of Marxian Economics and translator of works by Marx and Engels.In the early days of the Socialist Party of Canada, and the SPGB, Labriola's views were held quite highly by members such as James and William Pritchard and copies of his Socialism and Philosophy were sold both by the SPC and SPGB (I bought my copy from the SPGB).In the May, 1915, issue of the Western Clarion, William Pritchard refers to Antonio Labriola's criticism of the "Great Man" theory of history, wherein Labriola claims that the establishment of socialism "cannot be the work of a mass led by a few" (see my The Impossiblists: A Brief Profile of the Socialist Party of Canada, p. 74 and pp. 146-147). Labriola's view was that of Marx and Engels, that the workers must emancipate themselves.

    in reply to: WSP(India) EC meeting Jan 2016 #117033

     More information supplied by the WSP(India) in reference to Gorachand Paramanik -Dear ComradesGorachand Paramanik’s complains against WSPI are baseless.My comments from face book of Socialist Party of Great Britain are following….If you know all the matters in wspi, so why have you rejoined in wspi? Your involvement in wsm was wspi to world socialist group (gobardhan pur) to spgb to wspi to …..that means either you are motivated or disturbing the wsm. Organization is based on principles and rules. What's the anti- socialist activity of whom?Soroj Bose is anti-socialist. Repeatedly our organization informed him our stand point. We are using ballots, not bullets. But still he was arguing against it. So we are not allowing because he uses bullets not ballots. Gorachand Paramanik r you going to use bullets in your socalled movements? Gorachand's comments:I often said manipulation never helped anybody, and don't follow to your de-facto leader blindly. Don't through your bogus comments, which you do not know. Without historical consciousness the debates are irrelevant. From me a: That means u know all the history? You are such a great man! And you mention the name of leader? Why are you afraid for mentioning name Gorachand Paramanik? Your consciousness. In marriage ceremony, I was also present, not mentioned by Gorachand Paramanik.  We enjoyed voj (foods) not religious activity. Sankar Sarkar, Soroj Bose, Chandan Debnath they r all anti of our movement. They r most likely Leninist. They r against using Ballot. They r very much comfortable with using gun.Binay Sarkar is not egoists. Chandan debnath is egoist. I was present in that meeting. Chandan did not want to attend the meeting in our party office. Why Gorachand Paramanik? Chandan's behavior was violent but not B. Sarkar. U may confirm with Biswarup Choudhury. Fund collection articles published in Bengali dailies is a continuous prosecc. That doesn't mean it should b always day to day hour to hour minute to munute seconds to seconds  fraction of second to fraction of second………….activiiiiiiiity Our last public meeting was held at 8B bustand, Jadavpur. And there is a Sunday discussion every Sunday in our party office which is open to all.Thanks Pradip Singha.

    in reply to: WSP(India) EC meeting Jan 2016 #117032

     Arising from the EC minutes, the WSP (India) supplied the following correspondence with Cde Gorachand Paramanik -DOCUMENT 2   Gorachand’s hidden motive: Gorachand has been deceiving the Socialist Party of Great Britain and her sister parties since long past. Now again he is bent on deceiving the World Socialist Movement by hurling slanderous attacks against us – the World Socialist Party (India). His hidden motive is he wants Money.Some time ago he commented in a meeting at our HO that the SPGB possesses a huge amount of money. So his intention is clear: he has been keeping an eye on this money. He knows well that the SPGB and the companion parties of the WSM trust him. So he could get them believe his ploys against the WSP (I), as though they trust the WSP (I), their companion party any less. He calculates, once his allegations are accepted by SPGB in particular and the WSM in general, the WSP (I) will be thrown out of the WSM, and consequently his “World Socialist” group (comprising himself only) will be taken in as the alternative. Thus eventually he will be able to extract funds from the SPGB and other companion parties of the WSM for his personal use in the name of World Socialism. One cannot judge a person by what he says and thinks of himself, but by what he actually does.Gorachand Paramanik <> WSP INDIA <>;Adam Buick <>;Pradip Singha <>;;Bigboy Musemwa <>;;;;Tue 12/22/2015 5:27 PM Dear Comrades,I have not any hidden motive, his socialist attitude was a play before my inclusion in the WSP(I). Now everyone aware about his cult of personalities. I already said, I never violate the rules of the WSM, I don't support to the Leninists, and never think the ignominy of the WSM. Yours for World Socialism.  Gorachand+91 8972091200 WSP INDIA <> Gorachand Paramanik <>;Adam Buick <>;Pradip Singha <>;;Bigboy Musemwa <>;;;; Dear Comrades, Allegations leveled by Gorachand Paramanik are baseless. Undoubtedly, he has a hidden motive behind this sudden attack. Now he is out to extract sympathy for deriving benefits from our comrades around the world. He has already resumed his so far dormant (which he said he had deleted at the time of his inclusion in the WSP (I) but which he clandestinely kept alive) group name so-called "World Socialist" just after his "repeal" notice. All our comrades should ask him to substantiate his allegations with facts.  We are going to discuss this issue in our next EC meeting on 3rd January 2015 and take appropriate decision.  Yours for Socialism,Binay Sarkar  Gorachand Paramanik <> Socialist Party of Great Britain <>;;World Socialist Party New Zealand <>;;Biswarup Chaudhury <>;Pradip Singha <>;Bigboy Musemwa <>;Tue 12/22/2015 2:34 PM  Dear Comrades,I wanted to repeal my membership from the WSP(I) very simply, there had no any accuse. However, when the situation came into public place, therefore, this must be treated. I ensure his (Binay Sarkar) theoratically position but not personal attitude. Comrades please find the attachment and take a necessary step regarding this.Yours for World Socialism Gorachand+91 8972091200 Gorachand Paramanik <> WSP INDIA <>;Wed 12/16/2015 6:38 PMFlag for follow up. Start by Monday, December 21, 2015. Due by Friday, December 25, 2015.  Dear Comrades,Please repeal my membership from the party.for World Socialism       Gorachand+91 8972091200 Gorachand’s attachment: Dear comrades,I regret to inform you that, I have sent an email to the WSP(I) for repeal my membership from the party. It does not means that I do not believe the object and the declaration of the principles of the WSM. I never forget the WSM and not to be. I do not believe on personal conflict, such as ignominy of the WSM. If anybody strongly claim himself that he is a genuine socialist and he is all right, on the contrary, if someone said this that, his attitude is anti socialist, therefore, he is not less “egoist”. If any organization is based on ‘egoism’ therefore, the organization will no longer exists. Many people think this that, there has a party office at “257 Baghajatin E block at Kolkata” ; I never think that it is a party office but a so-called party office. Which is controlled by a single individual. If anybody protest against his anti socialist activities then he/she will be ignored, insulted by him.Can I claim personally to anyone that, you are trying to break-up the party ? without a party decision ? either he is visitor or member. We are not the chemical of the laboratory, that, we will be changed our colour. An example is Saroj Bose, who never come back in this office.Manipulation, blaspheme can not be the socialist behavior. I have experienced after the formation of the WSP(I), I was influenced against Biswajit Santra by him, although I do not support to B. Santra. Harisadhan Ghosh was influenced against Sunil Pal by him. And Ashok Chakraborty were influenced against me by him. I think all these are Stalinist processes of expulsion.He often said all the expulsions were held according to the party rules / democratically, if that is right, then his party membership would be expel according to the party rules No.7 – when he, Sumitra Mondal, Harisadhan Ghosh, Rathish Sharma and me also attained the marriage ceremony of the daughter of his sister-in-law a few years ago at Calcutta. We was not present at the religious place, but the ceremony was religious.In this connection, I see that party never will grow, however, that is not my main aim, our aim should be spread of the socialist theories in the working class. I consciously said that, our comradely feelings are often contradictory, an ego is being worked among the members. I heard few years ago the debate between Binay Sarkar and Chandan Debnath was going to violence, Sankar Sarkar also said to me regarding the same. Therefore, how we can expect this that the WSP(I) will grow ? this is an also ignominy of WSM.There has no any field work except timeline of the facebook. When I requested to them that, they do not care my suggestions. In my opinion the EC minutes is a gospel. When his question was against the irregularity of Biswarup Chowdhury at the business meetings, therefore, how does he collect the money from the party sympathizers ? and why the deficit is bringing ? No one wants to hesitate for expensing money for social revolution if he is a socialist minded. He has mentioned in the last EC minutes that he is born the pary’ deficit alone ! why ? as his manipulation. He is able to give the date when Harisadhan Ghosh’s last writings was published in the Calcutta dailies ? which is mentioned in every EC minutes ? I think the EC minutes is a gospel.However, comrades if you have any objection to access the website of the WSM, I myself will restrict this.Yours for World Socialism

    in reply to: From No Platform to Safe Spaces #116954

    Email received at Head Office a few days ago from the Council of Ex-Muslims:

    NEW CASE STUDY: ISLAMISM ON CAMPUS The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain (CEMB) has today published a case study on the Islamic Societies at Trinity College Dublin, Warwick University and Goldsmiths University where attempts were made to restrict or bar our spokesperson Maryam Namazie from speaking in 2015. The case study shows that the Islamic Societies at the three universities in question are clearly promoting Islamist values through hate preachers who condone Sharia Law, Islamic states, and the death penalty for apostasy. The study is only an example of a widespread problem – which is the normalisation and legitimisation of Islamism on university campuses.  CEMB calls on universities and Student Unions to unequivocally defend free expression, including by removing policies which restrict and censor free expression, such as safe space policies, so that apostates and dissenters can confront Islamism on campuses with a progressive counter-narrative. You can read the new case study here.It is important to note that apostasy and blasphemy are not abstract theological debates but a matter of life and death for many across the globe:
    in reply to: Former Member – Ivy Alexander nee Hicks #114704

    Dear AdamA message from the party would be great.I’m presently in South Africa, where i live, but will send you a copy of the book when I get to the UK.Imagine is great. I think I’d like that at my funeral.In comradeshipPeterOn 11 Oct 2015, at 15:21, Socialist Party of Great Britain <> wrote:Dear PeterThanks for your email and sorry to her this sad news. We will post aboutit on our members internet forum.You mention that she wrote an autobiography. If there is a spare copy wewould be interested in having it for our archives.As to what piece of music to play at a socialist's funeral one memberslike is John John Lennon's "Imagine".Would a message from the Party be appropriate?Adam 

    in reply to: WSP (India) EC minutes Oct. 2015 #114697

    Dear Comrades,I'd like to bring to your notice that Dipak Kumar Bhattacharya is misusing the SPGB's official blog – Socialism Or Your Money Back for his personal interest. Our EC has already expelled him from membership. You will get the details in our EC Meeting Minutes of 04-10-2015 soon.Yours for Socialism,Binay Sarkar From: wspindia@hotmail.comTo:;; gorachandparamanik@yahoo.inSubject: A LinkDate: Fri, 2 Oct 2015 20:32:55 +0530 Dear Comrades,The following link is for your information : for Socialism,Binay Sarkar

    in reply to: My Election Contest With Jeremy Corbyn #113487

    William Dunn's comment on the reply to his letter in this month's Standard:

    Thanks for publishing my letter in the Socialist Standard on Corbyn and the reply.

    Your reply shows we have no disagreements really…perhaps a minor one: as to what
    affect the return of the word 'socialism' to the everyday vocabulary will have on
    the body politic with a Corbyn win and in the USA if Sanders does well and even
    beats Clinton to the post of Democratic Party nomination.

    Only time will answer that one.  Well that also rather depends on what World
    Socialists make of the opportunity!  It is our word after-all—who better to speak
    this word?   

    The establishment and cynics both here and in the USA right now are going through
    the motions with Sanders saying: 'he has no chance', like they said with Corbyn
    here.  The task in the USA for a 'Socialist' candidate is much harder—on the other
    hand, the predicaments of most there are more acute and thus change there more
    urgently needed.   As we see here the 'mainstream media' and rightwing politicians
    have thrown everything they’ve got into Corbyn’s path and it seems to no avail, thus
    they are powerless to prevent a Corbyn victory and perhaps too in the USA with
    Sanders and all that means is that workers' real needs (as they see them) cannot be
    erased by media propaganda.  And that too should please us that when we present our
    arguments in contrast to the limits of Corbyn and should our new definition of real
    needs be grasped by the workers then a real socialist victory will be unstoppable

     Summer School report 2015 The SPGB’s 2015 Summer School was held over the long weekend 24th – 26th July at Fircroft College in Birmingham. The theme was ‘New Perspectives On Socialism’, taking a fresh approach to socialist theory, practice and activity. This was an amalgamation of several people’s ideas for a theme, from when views were canvassed after last year’s event. The following sessions were held:As A Marxist, Frankly, I’m Skeptical – a talk by Simon WigleyThe X Factor: Revolutionary Political Consciousness – a talk by Brian GardnerThe Argument Clinic: Logical Fallacies and Cognitive Biases. How thinking about thinking can help give new perspectives to old arguments – a workshop with Darren PoyntonRevolutionary Action – a talk by Johnny MercerGaming the Revolution – a game run by Bill MartinImagine a Boot Stamping on a Human Face, or Givin’ it Str8 on da St8: Socialism and the State in the 21st Century – a talk by Steve ClaytonAll the talks were video recorded, and audio files are already accessible through the party website. There were also showings of the short films Policy Beta and Street Politics 101. Between the sessions, and over meals and drinks, there was plenty of time for informal chats and discussions. Unlike the two previous years, evening socials were held on site with a self-service bar. This year’s exclusive publication was a glossy magazine-style collection of nine essays on the Summer School’s theme, with two articles accompanying sessions at the event. There was also a display stand to gauge attendees’ views on Socialist Party activity. 19 people voted for the three types of activity they considered most worthwhile. The results are below (in order of preference):joint 1st maintaining the SPGB website, and holding public talks and meetings2nd using social media (twitter, facebook, blogs etc)3rd standing in electionsjoint 4th running literature stalls, appearing on radio / TV, and producing short films5th producing printed literature6th engaging with other organisations7th participating in online discussion forums8th attending demos Feedback forms were available, although only one response was received. This said that the sessions had been enjoyable, and suggested changing the format so attendees spend less time sitting down. There were a couple of complaints about the beds. There were 43 residential attendees in all, ten more than last year (and more than since at least 2008). Around 12 of the attendees were not party members, a higher proportion than in recent years. There were no day-only visitors, and this number has been in decline for some time. The continued generous subsidy from central funds must have made the event affordable for more people. This means that almost enough people attended to fill the venue (with 47 being the maximum). Booking the entire venue means that Fircroft will allow alcohol on site for the evening socials. As in previous years, batches of flyers advertising the event were sent to the dozen-or-so radical bookshops in the country, although no known bookings have ever resulted from this. Most of this year’s attendees either came along in previous years or heard about the event by word-of-mouth, especially thanks to Kent and Sussex branch. Figures for income and expenditure are below:                     income                                                       expenditure *        bookings        2760.00                                          venue             6952.00        bar sales          283.00                                           bar costs          264.75        literature sales  215.30                                         literature costs   40.00                                                                                          printing             390.00                                                                                          stationery           28.77                                                                                           postage              68.46                                                                                           speaker’s travel 62.30                     TOTAL 3258.30                                                      TOTAL 7806.28                                                                                    TOTAL DEFICIT **  4547.98   * receipts have been submitted to the treasurer** the maximum potential subsidy as agreed by the EC was £4730 (i.e. £110 maximum subsidy x 43 attendees) Thanks go to those who ran sessions at the event, which also greatly benefited from help from Eddie Craggs (bookings), Dave Chesham (promotion), Rob Whitfield, Dave Chesham and Vince Otter (recordings), Callum McConnell and Sam Shaw (graphics), Darrell Whitehead (programme and films), Darren Poynton (website), James Barwell (printing) and Robert Morrell for a generous donation of books.  Mike Foster14th August 2015

    in reply to: My Election Contest With Jeremy Corbyn #113479

    Email received at Head Office:

    Fellow World Socialists,
     There are several good reasons why World Socialists should welcome the election of Jeremy Corbyn to the role of Labour Party Leader or Her Majesty’s Opposition Leader in the UK, if in indeed me makes it beyond any dirty tricks from his opponents in the party.  Corbyn win or lose, his success now marks the end of the long ‘politically repressive’ Thatcher period.Bill Martin’s little piece on Corbyn (August SS) rather missed the points, unfortunately!  Sure, Corbyn’s socialism is not our Socialism and that’s not the point either.In the USA Obama was called a socialist (laughingly!) and now there is a candidate Bernie Sanders, A self-described ‘democratic socialist’ on a Corbyn-like ticket doing well so far in the US Presidential Election Party Primaries.  If he doesn’t win the Democratic nomination he’ll force Hillary Clinton leftwards to beat him, mush as Corbyn here has done with both Burnham and Copper.  Most would agree that for a person in the USA (of all places) to be doing well in a national poll and openly calling himself a ‘socialist’, of any kind, is pretty good progress for politics there.  Not since Upton Sinclair in the 1930’s.What has that got to do with Corbyn?Well ‘Socialist Standard’ regulars (World Socialists) know that Corbyn’s socialism is not ours, but his popularity and success and should he win here will definitely (no doubts about it) legitimize and popularize the word ‘socialism’ again in the UK politics.  This word since Thatcher has all but been banned and junked by the media (TV, radio and newspapers) and these outlets are where most of the public/voters still get their politics. Also junked by Labour Leaders.Therefore, the same effect as with Sanders in the USA will likely happen here in the UK.  But more again will happen here as it will likely happen in the USA.  What?  The word ‘socialism’ being currency again (sorry for the association) will lead some to research socialism and they’ll come up with the SPGB & WSPUSA (World Socialist Party of the United States) in their results page!There is another reason in that World Socialists welcome working people getting a better share of the wealth in the meantime and Corbyn as British Prime Minister will achieve this for workers.A third reason will prove that the left cannot solve the problem of the disintegrating capitalist society—a society to which the term ‘impossibilism’ is better now applied to than to World Socialism.  Thus Corbyn is merely a prelude to much more meaningful discussions about capitalism and socialism.Finally, Mr Bill Martin, a more positive outlook is required from you sir, and not to stick to ‘political elitism’ which is exactly the outlook of British Labour Party leaders now in their tirade against Corbyn!Regards. William Dunn, GLASGOW
    in reply to: Scottish Parliamentary Elections #112367

    The Scottish Parliament is made up of 129 members. 73 are elected using the first-past-the-post system in individual geographical constituencies.

    A further 56 are elected from eight electoral regions with 7 from each region. These additional MSPs are chosen from party lists.

    Voters therefore have two votes. This also means that the Party can contest either a particular constituency and/or present a list in one of the electoral regions.

    The deposit is £500 to stand in a constituency and £500 to present a list in an electoral region. So if we contested the Glasgow Region the deposit would be £500.

    To stand only one signature is required (which in a constituency can be that of the candidate; for an election region it will be that of the Party's Nominating Officer).

    Afraid there is no free postal distribution of an election communication.

    in reply to: Andrew Kliman speaking in the UK #87745

    Here is his full programme as emailed to Head Office:

    Sat., June 27, 1-3pm, informal meeting on “Neoliberalism and financialisation–active or reactive features of the crisis of capitalism?” The Lucas Arms (pub), 25A Grays Inn Road, London (near Kings Cross) Sat, June 27, 6:30pm – 9:30pm. “Andrew Kliman debates with Peter Taaffe and/or Lynn Walsh – invited.” Birkbeck College, University of London, Malet Street, Room B36. ( Thurs.-Sat., July 2-4. Southampton Solent University, conference of Association for Heterodox Economics ( Thurs., July 2, 1-2:40pm, “The Whiggish Foundations of Marxian and Sraffian Economics,” presentation in panel on “Growth/Ideology”2. Fri., July 3, 9:20-11am, “Is Marx's Theory of Profit Right? Lessons for Pluralism,” presentation (with Nick Potts) in “Marx I” panel3. Sat., July 4, 11:15am-12:30pm, panelist in “Crisis” plenary session. Other panelist is Geoff Tily of the Trades Union Congress. Sun., July 5, 3pm-, “The Failure of Capitalist Production: Political Implications of the Great Recession,” at premises of the Socialist Party of Great Britain, 52 Clapham High Street, London ( Thurs., July 9, 3:35-5pm, “Economic recovery & the prospect of ‘secular stagnation.’” SWP Marxism 2015 festival. Clarke Hall, Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, London ( Sat., July 11, 2-5pm, informal meeting on the TSSI and a Marxist-Humanist view of revolutionary organization. In pub near Kings Cross Station. Write to ravibali@btinternet.comto confirm attendance and obtain exact address. (TSSI = temporal single-system interpretation of Marx’s value theory.)


    Email about Kliman review :In the December 2014 Socialist Standard review of The Failure of Capitalist Production it appears that there might be an inaccuracy in the concept of 'original value' or 'historic cost': ‘Kliman argues for using the original value (‘historic cost’) rather than the current replacement cost used by the others’.The explanation might be in Reclaiming Marx's 'Capital': A Refutation of the Myth of Inconsistency, The Raya Dunayevskaya Series in Marxism and Humanism (New York, Lexington Books, Rowman & Littlefield, 2007).  I think that Andrew Kliman is arguing in his earlier book, and most explicitly on pp34-5, for the temporal valuation of fixed capital inputs, and not the simultaneous valuation which you refer to as the ‘current’ replacement cost. That is he argues for the Temporal Single System Interpretation (TSSI) and not the Simultaneous Single System Interpretation (SSSI).The Temporal approach says that fixed capital inputs should be valued when they enter into the production process, which might be quite different from both their historical cost and their replacement cost.Maybe the misunderstanding is mine, and if so my apologies.Ian Abley 

    in reply to: WSP(India) EC Minutes for March 2015 #110283

    Dear Comrades,I have asked a comrade from the Socialist Party's Enquiries Committee to action the request made by the comrades of the WSP (India) after the third paragraph of Matters Arising to send intro literature packets to the addresses listed in the minutes.Yours Fraternally,Oliver BondSocialist Party of Great Britain

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