sarda karaniwan
Forum Replies Created
sarda karaniwan
Participantalanjjohnstone wrote:Not sure what your reply actually means but to stick to the Boy Scouts, enjoy this music clip,What I mean is, the Boy Scout Laws, is a perfect cover for pedophiles and other predators, maybe you have heard of the news already about this scout master who just got arrested for molesting two boys.Like the old adage " Beware of wolf in sheep's clothing", they are still around you know, and they can use this thing called altruism.sardaan Ordinarian ,
sarda karaniwan
Participantalanjjohnstone wrote:Not sure what your reply actually means but to stick to the Boy Scouts, enjoy this music clip like it. hahaThanks,sardaan Ordinarian
sarda karaniwan
Participantalanjjohnstone wrote:Sarda,not sure if you have heard about the Socialist Sunday School movement but a brief overview here. I think a lot better than the God and Country paramilitary Scouts. (i'd also recommend the credo of Woodcraft Folk before the Scouts ) 1. Love your school companions, who will be your co-workers in life.2. Love learning, which is the food of the mind; be as grateful to your teachers as to your parents.3. Make every day holy by good and useful deeds and kindly actions.4. Honour good men and women; be courteous to all, bow down to none.5. Do not hate nor speak evil of any one; do not be revengeful, but stand up for your rights and resist oppression.6. Do not be cowardly. Be a good friend to the weak, and love justice.7. Remember that all good things of the earth are produced by labour. Whoever enjoys them without working for them is stealing the bread of the workers.8. Observe and think in order to discover the truth. Do not believe what is contrary to reason, and never deceive yourself or others.9. Do not think that they who love their country must hate and despise other nations, or wish for war which is a remnant of barbarism.10. Help to bring about the day when all nations shall live fraternally together in peace and prosperity [Look forward to the day when all men and women will be free citizens of one community, and live together as equals in peace and righteousness ILP version]DeclarationWe desire to be just and loving to all our fellow men and women, go to work together as brothers and sisters, to be kind to every kind of living creature and to help to form a New Society with Justice as its foundation and Love its Law. The Verse Version1. Always love your schoolmatesMake happy those in sorrowThe children of today will beThe citizens of tomorrow.2. To parents and to teachersBe grateful and be kindFor we should all love learning(Which nourished the mind)3. Let every day be holyBy doing some good deed;To all do kindly actionsWhatever be their creed.4. Be just and fair to all men,Bow down or worship none.Judge man by what he tried to do,Or has already done.5. Hate not, and speak no evil,Stand up for what is right,And do not be revengeful,But 'gainst oppression fight.6. Try not to be a coward,But always help the weak,Whatever path of life you're in.For love and justice seek.7. All good things gathered from the earth,By toil of hand and brain,Instead of going to the few,The workers should retain.8. Speak (the) truth at all times,And try not to deceive,And what opposes reasonWe ought not to believe.9. Love all the races of mankind,Abolish war and strife;That we may reach the higher plainsOf our intended life.10. Look forward to the day when menAnd women will be free;As brothers and as sisters liveIn peace and unitySo who do you think will represent the authority of trust here? Just play naive?Just make sure it doesn't opiate the mind of the masses.By the way, I think Engels touch that subject about altruism, along with Robert Owen and the Owenite commune who believe in "pure kindness", I don't know, It's been a long time since I read that book Revolution in Science (Anti-Duhring).It is the social condition that determines consciousness not altruism. sardaan Ordinarian
sarda karaniwan
Participant• Trustworthy,• Loyal,• Helpful,• Friendly,• Courteous,• Kind,• Obedient,• Cheerful,• Thrifty,• Brave,• Clean,• and Reverent.That’s the Boy Scout Law, nice isn’t it? How can you not like them, it is perfect in every way, it is a good thing, so good, there is no excuse not to trust it. There is no doubt this law is based on that natural part of human called altruism, and with altruism existing in each and every one of us, then there is no more need for mistrust, the suspicion for ulterior motive has been eliminated, and so every one can relax. Because it is an established truth for any boy scout, every boy scout can now be trusted, and who can be more trusted than the one who is carrying the authority of trust, the Scout Master. So now this Scout Master will come to you and ask that you should allow your children to become a boy scout and let him take care of each and every one of them of which he will be so happy to do. So let us all thank this thing called altruism, which like God is everywhere and comes in many forms that finally we found somebody we can trust our children with.It is not just the Scout Master who have this authority of trust, there is also this Pastor/Priest, or those Muslim Imam who can make any youth into a martyr, but then again why make the story longer, the world problem has been solved, we just discovered altruism.sardaan Ordinarian
sarda karaniwan
Participant[/quote]mclome1 ask:Are you a member of any of the companion parties of the WSM ? [/quote]No, I'm not a member of any companiom parties.Now, still, you didn't answer my question?sardaan Ordinarian
sarda karaniwan
ParticipantTell me, why do you go to school, and after that why do you look for a job? I mean, in the household where you live, does your parents allow you to be lazy?sardaan Ordinarian
sarda karaniwan
Participant"Altruism or selflessness is the opposite of selfishness." I think the word said it all. "altruism is a thoroughly normal and omnipresent aspect of the human condition – just as much as selfishness"So how come you have to look for it?sardaan Ordinarian
sarda karaniwan
Participantmcolome1 wrote:sarda karaniwan wrote:I see the end of capitalist rule through the workers five basic principle:1.Don't be a burden!2.Be independent!3. Strive to be equal and be counted!4. Be practical!5. Learn and improve!I do not think any of those principles will produce the collapse of the capitalist society, on the contrary, they sound like capitalists principles. Workers are not united, they are disunited.
Great! That's the beauty of it, capitalists have no way of contradicting them.Workers are disunited only because it is just an informal unity and this is really what the capitalist wants, remain informal, so all the workers have to do is to make the unity formal, and that will be the start of the end. sardaan Ordinarian
sarda karaniwan
Participantrodshaw wrote:Altruism comes from the Latin alter, meaning other. Its has nothing to do with elevation.[/quote/]Maybe so, but altruism does, because it is not for a human being to uphold. But if some of you really insist, then I'm not gonna prevent you, do it. Let us see how far you can go before you realize, "hey, I'm only human!".sardaan Ordinariansarda karaniwan
Participantstanislavdoskocil wrote:You Bolshevik pigs spout equality over anything but you make fun of a black slave wow thats a great comparison, i guess you commies wanted me to stay.Well if the aim of the site is to reach out as far as there is internet availability, I think the group wants you to stay, and I hope that goes fro me to. In a way, I'm glad you voiced out what you feel.sardaan Ordinarian
sarda karaniwan
ParticipantWhat opiates the mind of the masses.sardaan Ordinarian
sarda karaniwan
ParticipantI was reminded of a story in the bible, that is Matthew 19 whereupon a young man knelt before him, and asked him “Good Teacher, what must I do to receive eternal life?” but Jesus responded “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone.” And proceeded, “just follow the commandments”. I guess his logic is, the reason why people makes laws is because no one is good.I would take it that the word “good” being mentioned here is a direct relation to, if not altruism itself. But since I don’t believe in God , or if God doesn’t exist, this virtue directly attributed to God alone would also not exist, but what would be left is all the people which he said not “good” in which he does not exempt himself. So, why would he not want to be called “good”? Because he was only human, not God.So if such virtue really exist in someone, then this someone must be coming in a level which is above ordinary human, this being must be God, or acting like God. Transcendentalism (I really hate nerdy words) is a relationship between higher being and lower being, they exist by being dependent on each other, one cannot live without the other, the higher has the power to give pity, and the lower always depends on that pity, and be grateful for it.The ruling classes of human history and now the capitalists, uses transcendentalism to legalize their existence, they promote the thought that life is a competition, individualism is natural, uniqueness or every individual is different, etc…, you see these in sports and every beauty pageant to prove that there will always be one who stands out. In other words, for you to become somebody special, you must look for anything in you that will make you different from the ordinary, instead of looking for something that will make you in common with others. Where most of the time, this leads to arrogance.Also, there is a distinctive feature that the ruling class or that capitalists class can be identified with, that is, they want to be praised short of being glorified, like celebrities, they want to be adored close to being worship like idols. They want people to see that their existence is important. This distinctive feature is what we all know, hypocrisy. They promote moral values as taught by the church, that “the way” to become human is by martyrdom and sainthood, the standard to be called a hero, the standard to be called “good”. How are the capitalist class going to fit themselves in this category of being called “good”? They have to make up an idea, an imaginary virtue, and make people believe that it really exist, and this imaginary virtue is called, altruism. Now it makes it possible to be called “good” by way of making themselves look generous and compassionate, through philanthropy and charity, it shows that they look at the poor with pity, and the poor of course is expected to be grateful for this pity.Altruism, from the word alt or alta, which means, to raise up, elevate, higher, above, because adopting this imaginary virtue is sure to raise ones being into a higher level, not the level to become human, but in a transcendental level, the near to God level, if not God.You see, even Jesus knows altruism is not true at all, to all human being, it only belong to the One Being up there who is the only one who has the power to give pity to all lower being. So if you started to look at people with pity, then you are playing god. This is the danger of atheism, one may not believe in God, but with transcendentalism, you will not be prevented from acting like God. We do want to create another Stalin, or the present “Good Leader” of North Korea, Kim Jung Un.sardaan Ordinarian
sarda karaniwan
ParticipantSo if altruism exist in every human being then we don't need to change anything at all, all we need to do is wait for those capitalists to show their altruism and everything will work out fine.Let me remind everyone that we are still living in an exploiter's world where everyone have the tendency to exploit everyone, this is still a dog eat dog world. They will feast on you the moment you start showing a saintly attitude.I'm sorry, but I don't believe altruism exist and those capitalists have proven that.About that "drowning child" (the usual argument case), it is not about altruism or being a hero, it is only about responsibility, if everyone took up responsibility accident will not happen.Boy! This problem is bigger than I thought.sardaan Ordinarian
sarda karaniwan
Participantstanislavdoskocil wrote:Hello in 1989 i fled a country filled with lies and insanity. The Socialist takeover simply traded one lie for another, instead of one man owning the work of all the people, all the people owned the work of all the people. So I came to America were a man can own his own work, were a man could benefit from the brilliance of his own mind, the might of his own will. I had thought I had left the parasites of Moscow behind me, now American's are drinking deeper and deeper into the Bolshevik poison. Let me ask you, what is the greatest lie ever created. What is the most vicious obscenity ever perpetrated on mankind. Is it slavery, the holocaust, dictatorship. No its the tool with which all that wickedness is built, altruism. Whenever someone wants to do there work they call upon there altruists, never mind your own needs they say, think about the needs of whoever, of the state, the poor,of the army, of the king, of god, the list goes on and on. What catastrophes were launched with the words "think of yourself", its the king and country crowd that light the torch of destruction. This ancient lie has chained humanity to this endless cycle of guilt and failure.I feel your sentiment Stan and it has been what I am trying to say. You are right about altruism but this is only a part of a bigger problem and that is transcendentalism. This is the one that has failed the socialism of your country, and for as long as the socialist keep on ignoring this problem, it will continue to have a setback.sardaan Ordinarian
sarda karaniwan
ParticipantWhen this new government (Syriza) starts to play the transcendental game of playing pretend-heroes, martyrs, and saints they fell into the trap of the game the ruling elite had been playing since the dawn of human history. Transcendentalism is the magic weapon of all the ruling elite that have ever existed throughout the history of human society.sardaan Ordinarian