World Cup

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  • #237303

    Unlike the Iranian team whose protest put them and their families at risk, the German team’s action was a textbook case of “virtue signalling” (and could well be cited in dictionaries for years to come as a typical case):

    the action or practice of publicly expressing opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one’s good character or the moral correctness of one’s position on a particular issue.”

    It didn’t work. They made a spectacle of themselves. They got accused of Islamophobia. They were kicked out of the competition at the first stage. And they didn’t prevent the German government signing the same week a deal to import gas from Qatar for 15 years.


    “They made a spectacle of themselves.”

    According to whom? Piers Morgan and some reactionary Qatari ‘pundits’?

    “They got accused of Islamophobia.”

    So what? Corbyn and the Labour Party got accused of antisemitism.

    ‘Virtue signalling’, as you call it, can be a powerful force for social change, by creating common knowledge around a moral issue that people would otherwise ignore (out of complacency or selfishness). Significantly, this can work even when there is no guarantee the people who are sending the signals are particularly virtuous or committed to the cause.

    Genuine question – when has your little cabal brought about any social change? Oh, wait…


    I think broadly there was a lot of hypocrisy.

    Protests rightly against Iran.

    But Saudi Arabia’s war against Yemen?

    Morocco’s occupation of Western Sahara?

    Not a peep.


    “Genuine question – when has your little cabal brought about any social change?”


    Hardly a cabal – look up a dictionary definition of the word! – but in any case, as far as “social change” is concerned, it depends on what you mean the term. The SPGB has been quite open and honest about it. The social change we seek can only be brought if and when the majority want it; we cannot do it for them. There is no “them” and “us” in that regard. The fact that “we” have made no significant headway towards socialism is not just the SPGB’s loss. It is also a loss for workers in general You can mock the SPGB for its lack of progress but it’s your loss too.

    As for your precious so-called Labour Party, one thing is certain – that it has done absolutely nothing to bring about change that could lead to a genuinely post capitalist society. On the contrary! Along with the Tories and other capitalist political entities it is a formidable barrier blocking change in that direction. Sure, it has brought about plenty of “changes” but changes that help to fortify and consolidate capitalism.

    Is that really what you want?


    Virtual signalling as “a powerful force for social change” even if “there is no guarantee the people who are sending the signals are particularly virtuous or committed to the cause.” That’s a new one.

    But, while we are discussing virtue signalling in relation to the World Cup, I wonder what the English team will do before the match this evening against Senegal.

    I’ll be watching to see if can they take the knee and cover their mouths and make some hand signal without falling over.

    Bijou Drains

    ALB – “But, while we are discussing virtue signalling in relation to the World Cup, I wonder what the English team will do before the match this evening against Senegal.

    I’ll be watching to see if can they take the knee and cover their mouths and make some hand signal without falling over.”

    Sounds a little like you’re a bit upset about the match against Wales, ALB?


    I switched over to watch the USA Iran match but the wrong side won there too.


    “Virtual signalling as “a powerful force for social change” even if “there is no guarantee the people who are sending the signals are particularly virtuous or committed to the cause.” That’s a new one.”

    Not really. You need to get out into the real world. You’ve clearly spent far too long as the SPGB’s CO (Commanding Officer?) 🙂


    Actually I have been out in the real world and soccer fans are joking at all the virtue signalling that is going on. It was a soccer fan that told me the one about them doing so many gestures that they might fall over. That’s what they are saying down at the pub.

    I think the word we are looking for here is “sanctimonious”. Such people have always been fair game. Nobody likes them and tend to take the piss out of them.

    I concede that thou might be holier than me.


    Yes, saw this on Twitter and reported it.
    Very much doubt Twitter will delete it, being a blue tick?

    Another blue tick user telling the German team not to forget their flags, a reference to pride flags.


    “Actually I have been out in the real world and soccer fans are joking at all the virtue signalling that is going on.”

    Ah yes, soccer fans – well known for their hooliganism and tribalism – but very little else.

    “I concede that thou might be holier than me.”

    Never a truer word spoken. 🙂


    It is pure bourogise nationalism and patriotism. It was used by the USA and the Soviet Union to propagate their own nationalism. American football which is a violent game produce mental diseases to the player, and the medical doctor who diagnosed the brain disease they tried to kill him . Some birds have shock absorber in their cranium, but we do not have shock absorber CTE



    I think broadly there was a lot of hypocrisy.

    Protests rightly against Iran.

    But Saudi Arabia’s war against Yemen?

    Morocco’s occupation of Western Sahara?

    Not a peep.


    AJ, I 💯% agree. It had crossed my mind too.

    Haven’t seen many of these right wing idiots forever telling us to keep politics out of sport?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by james19.

    My virtue signalling: a NATO country must not be allowed to win the World Cup. If Russia has been excluded so should they have been.

    Morocco have just disposed of Spain. Switzerland can kick out Portugal tonight. Brazil’s task to get rid of Croatia and Argentine to get rid of the Netherlands. That leaves England and France. The greater evil is of course England since they don’t want to hear any talk of peace. France can be dealt with at a later stage.

    If you want to mix politics and sport ….

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