Voting Poll

September 2024 Forums General discussion Voting Poll

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    On another thread i mentioned in passing that we should be conducting opinion polls to determine our political approach and effectiveness. But of course capitalism carries out its own research to determine prevailing opinions.


    The latest Guardian poll makes interesting and surprising findings.

    Most people who don't vote do so out of anger at the political system and not because of apathy. Disappointingly though for ourselves just a quarter of the electorate believe the two major politcal parties are so similar that voting is pointless. We have always strived to highlight the fact that it is Hobson's Choice of tweedledum and tweedledumber…apparently not enough people believe that as a reason not to vote. And again only a quarter cite the fact that the political parties do not represent their views as a reason to not vote. It seems for the vast majority , the existing political parties do reflect their views and opinions, something we have acknowledged…people get what they vote for!


    It is more about trust that spurs on voters to choose whether to be political, hence how UKIP who are untested on carrying out election promises so far can more easily tap into the discontent and although some of its politicians have been found wanting in the ethic/honesty stakes they have so far not been too high profile as the rest of mainstream corrupt politicians have. 


    I leave members to reach their own conclusions on how in future the Party utilise our resources and direct our own propaganda in light of the above facts. 



    Perhaps a related comment to the above to add to the discussion by Seymour Lenin's Tomb couching his Unity politics in a bit of personal observation and opinion.

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    On another thread i mentioned in passing that we should be conducting opinion polls to determine our political approach and effectiveness. But of course capitalism carries out its own research to determine prevailing opinions. The latest Guardian poll makes interesting and surprising findings.Most people who don't vote do so out of anger at the political system and not because of apathy. Disappointingly though for ourselves just a quarter of the electorate believe the two major politcal parties are so similar that voting is pointless. We have always strived to highlight the fact that it is Hobson's Choice of tweedledum and tweedledumber…apparently not enough people believe that as a reason not to vote. And again only a quarter cite the fact that the political parties do not represent their views as a reason to not vote. It seems for the vast majority , the existing political parties do reflect their views and opinions, something we have acknowledged…people get what they vote for! It is more about trust that spurs on voters to choose whether to be political, hence how UKIP who are untested on carrying out election promises so far can more easily tap into the discontent and although some of its politicians have been found wanting in the ethic/honesty stakes they have so far not been too high profile as the rest of mainstream corrupt politicians have.  I leave members to reach their own conclusions on how in future the Party utilise our resources and direct our own propaganda in light of the above facts.

    I think it's the case that the existing parties are still idealised by some of the electorate – Labour the working man's party, Conservative the party for business, Green the party for the environment, etc. Anyone looking at past performance with any degree of seriousness must see there's little difference. Whatever people's reasons for voting or not voting, our big problem is the same – to get them to look through the glass ceiling at the bleedin' obvious. Unfortunately the vast majority of people still have the mentality that things just need tinkering with. Anything else cuts into their daily lives too much.


    I think there's another element as well – despite what we say about us all being in the same boat, there are a significant number of people who are 'comfortable' and who don't want radical change.

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