The Pope


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    A shift in the goal-posts concerning women priests. Lay women to perform tasks during mass, but stressed the move was not a precursor to them becoming priests.

    The law makes explicit that lay women can be altar servers and readers during liturgies. Although this has been common practice for years in many developing countries, the change in canon law means that bishops will no longer have the power to prevent women within their diocese from taking on the roles.


    Madre dei!

    Quid est quod facere nobiscum?


    First it was French, now it is Latin…will tomorrow be Greek?


    Catholic Church in Ireland…..

    Results of investigation expected to tell how 9,000 children died in 18 institutions between 1922 and 1998

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by james19.

    James, the purpose of this topic was not to highlight the many many failings of the Catholic Church, from its opposition to women’s reproductive rights to its systemic child sex-abuse.

    Who can forget the film the ‘Magadalene Sisters’?

    I hoped the topic was demonstrating that one of the historically most conservative and reactionary institutions was capable of transformation because of social changes in society and could no longer appeal to its dubious charitable alms-giving as justification for its existence.


    AJ. I don’t want to make a new thread.

    9000 child deaths aside.

    Is the Pope going to apologise for the Catholic Church in holding back all of humanity, that the word of god comes before Science?


    He will when socialism is established.

    What James Connolly said applies to i think every faith group, barring the fundamentalists

    “To use a homely adage the Church “does not put all her eggs in one basket,” and the man who imagines that in the supreme hour of the proletarian struggle for victory the Church will definitely line up with the forces of capitalism, and pledge her very existence as a Church upon the hazardous chance of the capitalists winning, simply does not understand the first thing about the policy of the Church in the social or political revolutions of the past. Just as in Ireland the Church denounced every Irish revolutionary movement in its day of activity, as in 1798, 1848 and 1867, and yet allowed its priests to deliver speeches in eulogy of the active spirits of those movements a generation afterwards, so in the future the Church, which has its hand close upon the pulse of human society, when it realises that the cause of capitalism is a lost cause it will find excuse enough to allow freedom of speech and expression to those lowly priests whose socialist declarations it will then use to cover and hide the absolute anti-socialism of the Roman Propaganda. When that day comes the Papal Encyclical against socialism will be conveniently forgotten by the Papal historians, and the socialist utterances, of the von Kettelers, the McGlynns, and McGradys will be heralded forth and the communistic utterances of the early fathers as proofs of Catholic sympathy with progressive ideas. Thus it has been in the past. Thus it will be, at least attempted, in the future.”


    The return of liberation theology?

    A Catholic priest in the Philippines is set to stand trial on charges of “conspiracy to commit sedition” over an alleged plot to oust President Rodrigo Duterte.

    Father Flavie Villanueva is a fierce critic of the president’s “war on drugs”, which since July 2016 has seen thousands killed in police operations. He has been accused, alongside 10 others, of being behind a viral video series that the government says tarnished the president’s reputation.


    Old habits die hard

    “The Devil is taking advantage of the crisis to sow distrust, desperation and discord,” he said, adding that the pandemic had brought physical, psychological and spiritual suffering.


    Well, you only have to see Peter Cook as Old Nick in Bedazzled to know he’s always up to mischief.


    10 people, including an Italian cardinal, to stand trial for alleged financial crimes including embezzlement, money laundering, fraud, extortion and abuse of office.

    Cardinal Angelo Becciu, who was fired by the pope last year, the former heads of the Vatican’s financial intelligence unit, and two Italian brokers involved in the Vatican’s purchase of a building in a luxury area of London.

    the pope personally approved the judge’s decision to investigate and indict Becciu.


    A new Reformation?

    Members of the Synodal Path, a group made up of equal numbers of German bishops and lay Catholics, meet regularly. In February, they called on the Catholic Church to allow priests to marry, women to become deacons, and same-sex couples to receive the Church’s blessing. The German group also calls for ordinary Catholics to have more of a say in how the Church operates.

    The Vatican warned German reformers they had no authority to instruct bishops on moral or doctrinal matters.

    Speaking on behalf of the Synodal Path, Chairman of the German Bishops’ Conference Georg Bätzig and President of the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK) Irme Stetter-Karp, said it is their “responsibility to clearly point out where change is needed.” …the problems they are addressing are not unique to Germany, but common to dioceses all over the world.


    According to several natives nations the apology given the Roman pope was not enough, and he covered up others crimes committed by the Vaticans including child abuses and the stealing of territories. The apology should also cover the crimes committed in South, Central America and the Caribbeans

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