The ‘left wing’

January 2025 Forums General discussion The ‘left wing’

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  • #81498


    I suggest  SPGB stop using the term ‘left wing’ when referring to worker’s political opinions.  The term is stereotypical, prejudicial and is too general and dismissive of a worker’s political views.   It appears ignorant to the modern worker.  The average politically conscious worker has now dismissed words like ‘paki’, ‘niggar’, ‘commi’etc. to describe a human being.  Using a generally  dismissive term like ‘lefty’ or left winger’ appears ignorant to an intelligent member of the working class. The average worker recognises that political views are more complex so isn’t it about time we caught up?


    Interesting one. Our “official” position is that the left/right political division is false and that therefore the words ‘leftwing’ and ‘rightwing’ only serve to give it credibility. So we don’t use them — in theory. In practice, however, we do, ironically because they are in general use and we’re just following how other people use them to make ourselves understood on their terms. It’s the same with the term “middle class”. We say it doesn’t exist but we still use it, at least in conversation.


    Hope the rest of the party feels the same way. It is often used deliberately to separate us from other groups. This stereotypes all other political opinion.


     The SPGB is like a man who, when approach by women calls them ugly, then wonders why he has no girlfriends.  Our ideas are great and modern, our attitude stinks


    I am a member of several left wing forums, and they use the terms constantly, and they call themselves left winger constantly, and they attack the right wingers in many occasions, and they do not even know where the terms come from, they do not even know the meaning of the term ideology, and they do not even know that both terms are false as well the term middle case was created by the capitalists themselves. If we mix our ideas and principles with the Leninists and others left wing trends we are going to have a lot of troubles. I know them pretty well., they are my daily bread and butter.  Left wing and right wing are two wings of the same bird called capitalism, and both have only laid mud on top of socialism, with them socialism has not advanced one day

    mcolome1 wrote:
    I am a member of several left wing forums, and they use the terms constantly, and they call themselves left winger constantly, and they attack the right wingers in many occasions, and they do not even know where the terms come from, they do not even know the meaning of the term ideology, and they do not even know that both terms are false as well the term middle case was created by the capitalists themselves. If we mix our ideas and principles with the Leninists and others left wing trends we are going to have a lot of troubles. I know them pretty well., they are my daily bread and butter.  Left wing and right wing are two wings of the same bird called capitalism, and both have only laid mud on top of socialism, with them socialism has not advanced one day

    This my point! ‘They’ also call themselves socialist but it is not helpful. 


    How do I delete a duplicate post

    TheOldGreyWhistle wrote:
    How do I delete a duplicate post

    Click on delete at the bottom of the post !

    gnome wrote:
    TheOldGreyWhistle wrote:
    How do I delete a duplicate post

    Click on delete at the bottom of the post !

     I only have ‘report, edit, quote and reply’


    Only admins or moderators can delete posts.

    admin wrote:
    Only admins or moderators can delete posts.

     Why is that?  Every other forum I’m a member of, including Spintcom and Spopen, has the facility for users to delete their own posts should they wish.


    Probably,  It was organized  to allow members to delete messages, normally none is allowed to delete their own messages, or others peoples messages. Only moderators or owners of the forums are allowed to delete messages.  SPOPEN and SPINTCOM should do the proper configuration of the forum because it is a little problematic to permit members to delete messages 


    Yes, understood but if you click ‘save’ twice by accident you are left with a duplicate post. Not that important, really.

    TheOldGreyWhistle wrote:
    Yes, understood but if you click ‘save’ twice by accident you are left with a duplicate post. Not that important, really.

     Well, it’s not understood by me!  There may well be other reasons other than duplication why a user might want to delete their own post.  Why that should be “problematic” escapes me quite frankly when this facility is commonplace elsewhere.

    gnome wrote:
    TheOldGreyWhistle wrote:
    Yes, understood but if you click ‘save’ twice by accident you are left with a duplicate post. Not that important, really.

     Well, it’s not understood by me!  There may well be other reasons other than duplication why a user might want to delete their own post.  Why that should be “problematic” escapes me frankly when this facility is commonplace elsewhere.

    Yes, I can’t see a problem with being able to delete your own message (for whatever reason)

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)
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