Scumbag Clarkson

July 2024 Forums General discussion Scumbag Clarkson

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    It is understood Clarkson earned £479,000 in dividends in the 12 months to March 2009

    How can you earn dividends? In the past even the Inland Revenue recognised that dividends were “unearned income”, as they are. They’re a property income, a tribute levied on the labour of those who work. So it’s not surprising that Clarkson was against the strike. He’s a Fat Cat himself (and even looks like one).


    Personalities and celebrity status aside this article demonstrates how the BBC have become lucrative part of the commercial arm of the state machinery.  It may not carry any advertizing for the mainstream consumer market but it most certainly knows how to market its own commodities – which by default includes Clarkson!


    I posted something  from Yahoo news on Revleft about Clarksons’s comment on shooting strikers. To be fair though it does seem that Clarkson’s comment  was somewhat  taken out of context – it was just his feeble and rather tasteless attempt at being satirical . Someone on Revleft reproduced part of the transcript of the intereview which I had not seen before and it seems clear from this that the guy was only joking.  This was not particularly obvious from the Yahoo News article which so incensed me to begin with  Still it doesnt make him any the less an overpaid buffoon with a seemingly limitless capacity for sticking  his foot in his mouth


    Believe it or not I actually saw the first part of the programme in question and before I switched it off I heard him answer a question about why he never travelled by train by saying that it was because they were always held up by someone falling on the tracks. The two idiots interviewing him joined in the general laughter. It’s since emerged that the whole thing was a set-up with the programme’s producers encouraging him to be outrageous. It’s clear that TV producers are just as much scumbags as the editors and newspaper executives being exposed before the Leveson inquiry.


    Contraverisially, I quite like Clarkson. I like watching his stupid antics on Top Gear, which is a funny programme. I think far too many people take what is essentially entertainment, i.e. false, fantasy, unreal, made-up actions and interpret them as serious.He has made a career lately out of being outrageous, right-wing and contaversial. I genuinely don’t think he means half what he spouts, it’s all part of the act.What worries me more than anything is the almost predictable reaction to it. Calling people ‘scum’ etc., is almost as un-thinking as the alledged misdemeanours of Clarkson himself – what seperates someone calling for stirkers to be shot and someone calling for that person to be shot? Hardly well-put criticism is it?I think it is better to ignore the stupidty of these type of comments which only play into the hands of the BBC by stirring the contraversy more and gaining ever more valuable publicity with it.There are bigger, faceless foes out there who are doing more serious damage to the working class and it’s interests to waste time condeming the celebrity charade that passes for entertainment nowadays. And if we must be drawn into criticism of the BBC I would rather that start with condemnation of the bias and appalingly one-sided news reporting of recent times, which has turned ‘Aunty’ into a state sponsored mouth-piece. Far more worrying than the outpourings from a irrelevant Top Gear presenter.


    I don’t consider Clarkson to be at all controversial.A buffoon yes. But all too often he simply plays to the gallery by mouthing common-or -garden prejudices. Now if he were to call for the abolition of the wages system that would be controverial.

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