RIP Tony Benn

January 2025 Forums General discussion RIP Tony Benn

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  • #100752
    steve colborn

    Police were used by the 74/79 labour Gov against strikers at Grunwicks and Vin is correct when he tells us Troops were used against firemen in 1977.If I remember correctly they were also used in place of refuse workers! Labour also set up that lovely bunch, the SPG, (Special Patrol Group), in snatch squads, to grab so-called trouble makers and agitators, at sites of industrial disputes. This is some of the heritage passed down from these lying scum bags, posing as workers friends! Withy friends like these, who needs the Tories.

    steve colborn

    As an addendum, the lovely Post War Attlee government, the one held up as "implementing Socialism", jailed striking dockers every year they were in power, using the "Emergency Powers Act", until they were dumped for the Tories! With friends like these, the working class need an enema, to get rid of the shite! A good old fahioned Socialist enema!The Minister of Labour, was a man called Manny Shinwell, MP for Easington and a man, who just like Tony Benn, was held up as a doyen of Socialism and the left. You could'nt make it up could you?


    A topic on libcom suggests "The only government minister to order armed police against striking workers was that left-wing man of the people, Tony Benn." around 1976/1977. Although it's not clear this is accurate. It was also discussed here but i forget what thread. It was when Benn was Minister for Energy , he authorised the arming of the independently organised special police force set up to guard nuclear installations. During a strike, on supposed safety advice from civil servants, he gave them authority to escort strike breakers across the picket lines. He later expressed regrets, accusing the civil servants of hyping up the safety risks. 



    Better late than never, that interview with Tony Benn from the January 1980 issue of the Socialist Standard:Link: Socialists confront Mr Tony Benn

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