Religion oppressing societies

May 2024 Forums General discussion Religion oppressing societies

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  • #84408

    Over these past few years, I have been studying history regarding cultural and political geography. I have notice many of these tragedies happening in the Middle East seem to be very new.

    Around 40 years ago, the Middle East was governed by secular, democratic and socialist governments who never embraced the ideas of radical Islam. They believed in the idea of democracy and embraced some western ideas. Even during the existence of the Ottoman Empire, they never believed in wahhabism nor implemented strict religious laws.

    When Iran was governed by Reza Shah Pahlavi, women were allowed to wear skirts, go rollers skating, listen to disco and they were granted rights. The Middle East was more stabilised without religion governing people’s lives.

    In today’s era, most these countries in the Middle East are governed by hard religious fanatics who believe in these mystical gods invented thousands of years ago. In Saudi Arabia, religion is what governs daily live and policies. Some of these radical Muslims are willing to die to honour their imaginary god.   

    Why should we embrace religion when it could pose a threat to society and take away human rights?

    The Middle East was more prosperous when it was governed by democratic and secular leaders who didn’t believe in theocracy. In today’s era, some of these fanatic Muslims want to relive the past when gods were considered the government. They think science and critical thinking poses a threat to their religion.

    Why should people be forced to worship religious god idols who don’t even exist?

    Religion cannot prove scientific facts and theories. Religion is based on fictional fantasy believes invented thousands of years ago when people thought the stars were actual holes the gods poked with a needle.

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