Paul Breeze

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    I've just read that ex-SPGBer, Paul Breeze, has passed away.

    Link: A Farewell to Paul Breeze

    He's before my time in the Party but I know he was a regular writer for the Socialist Standard in the mid-to-late seventies. Reading the link it looks like he carved out a niche politically as an Independent councillor in the Stoke area in more recent years.

    I could only find one of his Socialist Standard articles online, but I'll try and post some others up in the coming weeks:

    Link: A Visit from the Gods


    One of the reasons he left the Party was over the use of the traditional language of socialism, capitalism, working class, etc. After he left he wrote and published a pamphlet called  A World of Free Access which set out the case for socialism without using such words. Actually, it's quite a good exposition of the case for socialism or "a world of free access" as he called it. The text can be found here (scroll down a bit): that he went completely off the rails politically.

    steve colborn

    Paul also wrote a book, While my guitar gently weeps!


    He wrote two. I read his second novel, Back Street Runner, years ago. 


    Some more Paul Breeze material from the Socialist Standard:Link: March 1977 A poem, 'The Breakthrough'Link: September 1977 A poem, 'Roots'Link: December 1977, How I became a Socialist

    Major McPharter

    The World of free access pamphlet. Puts the case for a sane society in an easy and logical to understand way. Maybe the party should do a reprint. Sadly most people after over 100 years of the SPGB still think socialism/communism = dictatorship/state control. Let us all help to speed the day when this wonderful earth and its rich resources are held in common for the benefit of all humanity. Hope you are keepin well steve,


    World of Free Access was co-written by Paul Breeze and my elder brother Ian Burns. Both had been SPGB members active in a  Stoke-on-Trent branch that i believe they had formed. They did indeed feel that the terminology we use had become a burden in the light of most peoples' preconceptions about terms like 'working class'. I always thought they had resigned, but maybe they were expelled?

    norm_burns wrote:
    World of Free Access was co-written by Paul Breeze and my elder brother Ian Burns. Both had been SPGB members active in a  Stoke-on-Trent branch that i believe they had formed. They did indeed feel that the terminology we use had become a burden in the light of most peoples' preconceptions about terms like 'working class'. I always thought they had resigned, but maybe they were expelled?

    They both resigned because the party did not accept their argument that a change in terminology would resolve the issue of misconstruing.  It was pointed out that even if we decided to call ourselves 'The carpet party' we would still be faced with the problem of explaining the concept of Common Ownership and how to deal with misconstruing.If I remember correctly the pamphlet constantly reiterated common phrases to explain the proposed new terminology.

    norm_burns wrote:
    They did indeed feel that the terminology we use had become a burden in the light of most peoples' preconceptions about terms like 'working class'. I always thought they had resigned, but maybe they were expelled?

    Nobody was expelled and the whole Stoke group (bigger than some branches) resigned, along with a number of other members from around the country (at least one from Guildford). Terminology was the given reason but it soon became clear that a rejection of the concepts behind the terminology was involved, not the least of which was class.When it soon became obvious that terminology was not a significant factor in hindering progress, WOFA dispersed and a few years later Paul Breeze stood as an independent (non-socialist, non-WOFA) candidate for mayor of Stoke, and he didn't do any better than the SPGB in elections.– Lew

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