Yaron Brook assumes that the capitalists who have left Britain are “entrepreneurs” as those who invest in the production of wealth but most of them will be financiers whose connection with wealth production is pretty precarious. They are not even employers of workers who produce wealth. I see in fact that his own business was “asset management” ie investing the riches of the rich on the stock exchange, etc. So a financier himself.
According to this he is a follower of Ayn Rand and so a bit of a nutter:
The thing that struck me the most about the broadcast was how pundits keep telling us that rich people/entrepreneurs create wealth. This falsehood is repeated so often, without challenge, that it has become accepted as fact. It was heartwarming to hear on tv that it’s us who produce wealth not them. Maybe Paddy could have his own slot on GB News!
There was also quite a decent plug for the Socialist Standard by the presenter of this programme. Who’d have thought? Though he’s probably never read it and doesn’t really know what it’s about.