‘national leftism’ and ‘globalization left’ : false dichotomy

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    Leftism presenting us with false opposites, 'national leftism' vs 'globalization left':


    Is "national leftism" the same as "left nationalism" for, as used by myself, the latter is a criticism of those left-wingers who supported separatism in Scotland rather than unity of workers.I note in the article the criticism of "globalization left" is that it seems to be restricted to Europe, a bit wider than the constituent soveriegn states of the EU but we have witnessed Fortress Europe as an expression of European nationalism.The conflict between pro- and anti- has long roots within the workers' movement and it ebbs and flows and it is simplistic to argue as the author does that:  "…Large scale immigration by diverse ethnic communities unwilling or unable to adapt the customs of the host country (which is often the case in Europe today, where the host country may be despised for past sins), weakens the ability of society to organize and resist the dictates of financial capital. The newcomers may not only destabilize the situation of already accepted immigrant populations, they can introduce unexpected antagonisms and conflicts. In both France and Germany, groups of Eritrean migrants have come to blows with Afghan migrants, and other prejudices and vendettas lurk, not to mention dangerous elements of religious fanaticism…."For sure in the present politico-economic climate tensions are high but that is not to say they will not alter with changing circumstances. 

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Is "national leftism" the same as "left nationalism" for, as used by myself, the latter is a criticism of those left-wingers who supported separatism in Scotland rather than unity of workers.I note in the article the criticism of "globalization left" is that it seems to be restricted to Europe, a bit wider than the constituent soveriegn states of the EU but we have witnessed Fortress Europe as an expression of European nationalism.The conflict between pro- and anti- has long roots within the workers' movement and it ebbs and flows and it is simplistic to argue as the author does that:  "…Large scale immigration by diverse ethnic communities unwilling or unable to adapt the customs of the host country (which is often the case in Europe today, where the host country may be despised for past sins), weakens the ability of society to organize and resist the dictates of financial capital. The newcomers may not only destabilize the situation of already accepted immigrant populations, they can introduce unexpected antagonisms and conflicts. In both France and Germany, groups of Eritrean migrants have come to blows with Afghan migrants, and other prejudices and vendettas lurk, not to mention dangerous elements of religious fanaticism…."For sure in the present politico-economic climate tensions are high but that is not to say they will not alter with changing circumstances. 

    What is the difference between right nationalism and left nationalism? None, both promote the disunity of the world working in favor of the interests of the capitalist class. The whole world is moving backward, I have never seen such ideological retrogression as we are experimenting at the present time. It looks like mankind has not learned any lesson from past history

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