My union

July 2024 Forums General discussion My union

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  • #81573

    • 3432 in favour of taking strike action (50.3% of those voting);
    • 3385 against taking strike action (49.7% of those voting).

    We will, almost certainly, not go on strike (despite the formal majority in favour).  Now, the Tories would have us believe that all of the abstainers should count as no votes, but here we have clear evidence that people will vote against strike action, in powerful numbers (despite having their pay eroded through inflation year on year).

    So, we face double jeopardy, a minority of refuseniks are stopping us striking, but even if we had a solid majority, according to the Tories, it still would not be enough.


    What was the turn-out?


    well, six and a half thousand out of all the Unison members in Higher Education (some 50,000), so pathetically low turnout and then a wafer thin majority.This demonstrates, incidentally, the power of one of the Tory anti-union laws.  They have a rule against 'Unjustifiable discipline' which specifically precludes expelling union members who don't strike (even when a legitimate ballot has been held).  So, I could get expelled from the union for striking unofficially, but the minority of rejectionists have just exercised a veto.I'm actually pretty upset about this, we've just voted to have our own throats cut.  Management must be laughing.

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