Moderation Suggestions

December 2024 Forums Website / Technical Moderation Suggestions

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  • #83577
    moderator1 wrote:

    If you or anybody else have any suggestions just stick up a thread here titled 'Moderation suggestions'

    1. Don't put in the 'rubbish bin' a post that a party member has posted for propaganda reasons. If such a mistake occurs the post ought to be reposted.

    2. At the moment the moderator and Internet Committee carry out their deliberations behind closed doors. 'We have received your complaint or appeal, we will get back to you'.  Such deliberations should be held in public on a designated area of the forum, thus bringing our forum in line with our proclamations.  

    "We are a completely open and leaderless organisation. All our meetings are open to everyone without exception. "

    Suggested  rule changes.  Changes are in bold.


    14. Rule enforcement is the responsibility of the moderators, not of the contributors. If you believe a post or private message violates a rule, report it to the moderators.

    Do not take it upon yourself to chastise others for perceived violations of the rules.


    15. Queries or appeals relating to particular moderation decisions should be sent directly to the moderators by private message.   Forum members are free to discuss moderator’s decisions on a separate thread set up for that purpose but should not discuss moderator’s decisions on the main forum. You must continue to abide by the moderators’ decisions pending the outcome of your appeal.


    16. The moderators will discuss and deliberate on moderation decisions openly and transparently in the moderation section of the forum.

    Then the forum will be as open as the rest of the party.

    Why should party members be suspended for discussing moderation decisions on a thread opened for that purpose? It disrupts nothing.



    I thought I wouldn't get away with it regardless of the reassurances. As punishment my post in the Rubbish Bin, which I was still able to use to the party's advantage has been deleted completely. 


    And the point of making moderation suggestions is?  

    Vin wrote:
    And the point of making moderation suggestions is?  

    I thought that was made plain in your first post?


    I appreciate your reply Mod1 but not sure what you mean.  Suggestions are usually met with 'that's not a good idea because…' or 'that would work because……'.  and not a single enigmatic remark I suppose I should assume my suggestions are not worthy of comment which is fair enough but I would be interested to know the arguments against. Perhaps people have more important things to do, but as the Party grows the issues I raise will be raised again and  eventually have to be addressed.    

    Vin wrote:
    I appreciate your reply Mod1 but not sure what you mean.  Suggestions are usually met with 'that's not a good idea because…' or 'that would work because……'.  and not a single enigmatic remark I suppose I should assume my suggestions are not worthy of comment which is fair enough but I would be interested to know the arguments against. Perhaps people have more important things to do, but as the Party grows the issues I raise will be raised again and  eventually have to be addressed.

    The issues you raise in your first post have been addressed, with no need to change the rules.  Hence the setting up of this thread.However, please note that the rules as they stand will apply to this thread.

    moderator1 wrote:
    The issues you raise in your first post have been addressed, with no need to change the rules.  Hence the setting up of this thread.However, please note that the rules as they stand will apply to this thread.

    Your first and last sentences cannot both be true. If the issues have been addressed then rules as they stand should not be applied. We are either free to discuss moderation decision or we are not.You are attempting to dance around me but I would rather have straight answers

    Vin wrote:
    moderator1 wrote:
    The issues you raise in your first post have been addressed, with no need to change the rules.  Hence the setting up of this thread.However, please note that the rules as they stand will apply to this thread.

    Your first and last sentences cannot both be true. If the issues have been addressed then rules as they stand should not be applied. We are either free to discuss moderation decision or we are not.You are attempting to dance around me but I would rather have straight answers

    No you or any user cannot ignore the rules being applied to this particular thread.  Glad to say this will not be the case for the rules are there for all forums and threads.  The rules have not been changed therefore there are no distinctions between the first and last sentences in my response.If you have a complaint to make on this please PM me and I'll send it on to the I.C.


    I have no complaint about you or the IC I am merely making suggestions about forum rules etc. My concerns are not meant to be personal. I am talking about moderation and not a particular person applying the rules as they stand.I know you are  understaffed and perhaps a change in the rules might help to relieve you of some of your  responsibilities.  I was hoping for a broader discussion but I have to assume people are not interested and as I say that's fair enough, that's democracy.  

    Vin wrote:
      I was hoping for a broader discussion but I have to assume people are not interested and as I say that's fair enough, that's democracy.  

    Its early days – give it time.


    Another suggestion. Some form of democracy. Any will do.


    Moderation should be less bias and discriminatory. For example, Why allow this open letter to the left but bin my open letter to Russell Brand? 

    Vin wrote:
    Moderation should be less bias and discriminatory. For example, Why allow this open letter to the left but bin my open letter to Russell Brand? 

    Its been explained to you in another thread why this open letter is allowed.  Its also been explained to you in another thread why your posting of the open letter to Russell Brand was considered to be inappropriate for the forum.If by being less bias and discriminatory you mean I ignore that this post actually breaks Rule 6. Do not make repeated postings of the same or similar messages to the same thread, or to multiple threads or forums (‘cross-posting’). Do not make multiple postings within a thread that could be consolidated into a single post (‘serial posting’). Do not post an excessive number of threads, posts, or private messages within a limited period of time (‘flooding’).  That's fine by me, but other posters may well suggest I'm being biased and non-discriminatory towards your postings!  So from where I'm standing I'm in for a kicking whatever I do.

    steve colborn

    The guy who cries "Bin It" like a demented frog, a calls for action against another poster but whose posts do not incur a warning until someone else complains! I think Vin has at least a partial point!!! There does seem to be a bias at work here.

    DJP wrote:
    Vin wrote:
    It is dishonest to oppose this position while having moderators with clear intentions and mandates to prevent an opinion

    Can someone tell me what this opinion is that we have been mandated to prevent? Must have missed that memo..

     So you you have never exchanged emails with other   IC and EC members about how to deal with me on the forum? And come to a decision on how long I will be allowed to speak and what I will be allowed to say before suspension?Would you like to make them public as should be the case in a socialist organisation? So people can decide for themselves? Maybe a memo DOH!        

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