Members and a Socialist Party – Organisational critique

July 2024 Forums General discussion Members and a Socialist Party – Organisational critique

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    But what of trust Alan? Surely that's the issue.ALB and I have disagreed over many things too and still do. However, he's never conducted a campaign of bullying against me, accused me of being an undercover cop, had his brother threaten to kick my teeth in and then gone on to do similar things to a variety of other members. That's the difference there. Personally I have a problem accepting the word of known liars.2nd Warning:1. The general topic of each forum is given by the posted forum description. Do not start a thread in a forum unless it matches the given topic, and do not derail existing threads with off-topic posts.


    I do understand where you're coming from Alan. I have at times even felt some sympathy for Steve C, then I remember the personal vendettas he conducted against others via e-mail. It's much easier to feel sympathy and forgive when you've not been the one on the recieving end.


    I wish I hadn't responded to this thread and just let it die the instant death it deserved. Now look where we are (again).Moderator, can't it be removed to the "Rubbish Bin" section and be continued there.

    steve colborn

    I am not even going to credit some of the above posts with a response. Enough to say, evidence! 


    I think it is sad that we should have to continually rake over the old stuff some of which is myth. Let's move on, please. I would really like to move on


    Disclaimer or warning, I'm just a lurker not a member, but a supporter of about 80% of your princilples/platform/ideas whatever.To un-derail the thread, a couple points: I found parts of the book "The Feeling Good Handbook" on communication and disagreement also very helpful.Also, this is sexist, but true. if you can integrate more women into posting here, we are better at conflict resolution, compromise, etc.The mechanics of the Yahoo groups forum suck. If you can get a good bulletin board program like the one used by  which I think is free, and get more posters (still separating SPGB from international if you want), I think that would help.Yes, I would think you have different processes and locations for resolution of specific cases than here?I personally try to keep in mind and separate when I don't respect and idea (like theism) from disrespecting a person.Feelings are usually valid, ideas may not be. 


    I agree with admice about the Yahoo forums. They are shit. Would it be possible for a knowledgeable person to look into the feasabililty of using an alternative forum platform?I have been put off using those forums by their lack of user friendlyness, and this is also likely to put off any new members to the forums.  We should be doing all we can to attract people to the forums, and to keep them there by making them user friendly.  


    Well the Socialist Party of Canada used to use a proper forum package. phpBB and vBulletin are the most popular ones. In fact it's been discussed before here

    BTSomerset wrote:
    I agree with admice about the Yahoo forums. They are shit.   

     I agree and have said so elsewhere. I know the party has them for internal discussions but we (oops, I mean the SPGB ) need a more user friendly forum. I am on the Internet a lot and would willing to set it up and run it. 


    I am discussing a forum that doesn't work so well, on a forum that works perfectly well.  As mentioned in the previous discussion linked to above, why don't we just ditch Yahoo and use this one for everything?

    BTSomerset wrote:
    I am discussing a forum that doesn't work so well, on a forum that works perfectly well.  As mentioned in the previous discussion linked to above, why don't we just ditch Yahoo and use this one for everything?

     Totally agree. I suggest extending this one by adding forums


    The archive of messages on the yahoo forums dates back to 2001 (in the case of WSM_Forum), these would need saving before dispensing with the yahoo forums. In any case, there is the small matter of the members who are familiar with this forum but prefer to use the yahoo forums and these diehards who in fact make the majority of posts on the yahoo forums. Wouldn't some of them stop posting anywhere?


    Spopen and spintcom could be renaimed and added to this forum. I don't know if the histories could be transferred but there could be links to them. 


    Here's an idea, ask 'em.You could keep the archives there, but saving them is not a technical challenge.course, then, people like me might post MORE and none of us wants THAT.


    A quick search turned up this software for downloading data from Yahoo groups, could this be used?, some people still use the Yahoo forums in preference to this one, but I think they should be encouraged to migrate here, and have all the forums in one place.  It is confusing for new comers to find forums scattered across the interweb.  It took me quite a while to find all the different resources, spintcom, spopen, spgbmedia, WSM_Forum on Yahoo (is that all of them?) and the forums here.  

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