Looking to change the world!!

January 2025 Forums General discussion Looking to change the world!!

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  • #81900

    Things in this country are getting worse and it is going to take something special to make things better.

    The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer but is it really any surprise? The way that the capitalist system is set up right now, there is no real alternative. Capitalism itself isn't really the problem, it is the mode of capitalism that is deployed at the moment, the capitalism of greed. It is not good enough for organisations to make profit, they need to make bigger and bigger profits and the only way to do that is to squeeze the employees more and more. Recent reports stated that employment was up over half a million in the last year (Telegraph 01/03/2013) but this is due to organisations getting rid of full time staff and employing part time staff to do the work of a full time employee. Wages are down and opportnities for people are minimal. 

    The large organisations are making more profits than ever before to feed the insatiable greed of the shareholders who add no value to society at all and just act to take money away from communities. The worse thing about it all s that it is you and I who are fueling this system and allowing this system, that we all claim to hate, to thrive.

    What is the answer?

    Taking to the streets has not worked, write to your MP! Don't make me laugh. Sitting and complaining while it gets worse and worse seems to be the only thing we as a nation can do.

    I have got a plan, a sure fire way of making things better, changing the system, shortening the gap between the rich and the poor and making OUR world a better place to live in. But I can't do it on my own.

    I am looking for people to help me to take action. If you are interested in joining the battle then e-mail me at aunty.greed@gmail.com and I will give you details.

    Thanks for your attention.

    steve colborn

    Afraid I cannot agree with you aunty, when you say "Capitalism itself isn't really the problem, it is the mode of capitalism that is deployed at the moment, the capitalism of greed."Capitalism has only one way to operate, in the interests of it's great god profit, with greed as one of it's ablest and staunchest priests. That the rich get richer whilst, at the same time, the poor get poorer, is merely par for the course for Capitalism, one of it's axioms I would suggest.The only way to take action, as you put it, is to get rid of Capitalism and replace it with a system of society, that is run in "all" our interests and moreover, belongs to us equally.If you have suggestions as to how this can be achieved, I am sure, everyone on this forum will be only to delighted to hear them. Steve.


     You cannot have production for the market And production for human need. Children are starving not because of a shortage off food but because it would not be profitable to feed them. For example, if it was profitable Morrisons,  Asda , Aldi et al would set up shop right next to those poor children.It is not because these companies are evil, it is because of the capitalist system – no profit then no investment. The SPGB advocates a society in which wealth will be produced directly to meet human needs. Starvation  will stop almost immediately after the market system is abolished. Have a look at:http://www.worldsocialism.org/spgb/education/introductory-articles/what-socialism


     You cannot have production for the market And production for human need. Children are starving not because of a shortage off food but because it would not be profitable to feed them. For example, if it was profitable Morrisons,  Asda , Aldi et al would set up shop right next to those poor children.It is not because these companies are evil, it is because of the capitalist system – no profit then no investment. The SPGB advocates a society in which wealth will be produced directly to meet human needs. Starvation and austerity will stop almost immediately after the market system is abolished.

    steve colborn

    Capitalism=no profit, no production=dying from starvation in a world that, even now, can feed us all= pensioners dying of the cold, when energy exists to warm us all= homeless in a world that can house us all.= children dying of easily treatable illness, dying of these illnessess= people dying of waterborne deseases, when it costs a tiny amount to provide everyone with access to clean water, even in Capitalism. It is Capitalism itself, that says to the majority, cannot pay, then cannot have. It is Capitalism that kills! It does not kill by intent, but by the very nature of Capitalism. Once again a restatement, cannot pay, then cannot have, even unto death.There is no dichotomy of different kinds of Capitalism, just Capitalism. Steve.


    If a business decided to put human need before profit, they would rapidly lose money to their rivals.

    steve colborn

    Indeed Jon, indeed. Steve.

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