‘Law and Justice’ – Manifesto

July 2024 Forums General discussion ‘Law and Justice’ – Manifesto

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    ‘Law and Justice’ – Manifesto

    Published by: Socialist Center
    • Rule of the Law
    • Everyone should be ‘treated’ equally in the eyes of law
    • Law should be strictly enforced without any exception
    • Power should vest in the post and not in the people occupying those posts.
    • No ‘discretion’ in the judiciary as well as the investigation and the prosecution systems.
    • ‘Discretion’ of judges should not be allowed to assume ‘arbitrariness’ under the veil of ‘equity’ or while 'interpreting' the law.
    • Judiciary should be made accountable to the rule of law, the basic principles of justice, the Constitution and the people who repose their faith in the judiciary
    • Judicial Audit to bring forth whether the Rule of Law is being followed or not.
    • Legal proceedings should be publicly broadcasted so that transparency exists
    •  Judiciary should be saved from Nepotism at all costs. The kith and kin of the influential people including judges and prominent lawyers should not be allowed to derive any benefit from the judicial system except on the basis of merit and hard work.
    • No ‘delay’ in dispensing justice.
    • Lawyers should be made to follow the ethics of the profession
    •  Government Advocates should be made a cadre service. Merit should prevail.
    • Zero tolerance towards corruption in the Judiciary
    • Investigation agency should be separated from the state prosecution agency
    • Investigation should be modernised with advanced technology and the officers should be fully equipped with skills
    • Law and Order should be maintained at all costs
    • Peace should prevail in every situation.
    • Human Rights should be enforced.
    • Police should strictly follow the law and no human rights should be violated
    • Amendment in laws (corresponding to contemporary needs and aspirations of the society)

    That's the ideal of bourgeois justice even if it's more honoured in the breach than in the observance. But it doesn't say anything about the content of the laws, i.e that today they are mainly concerned with protecting private property especially that of those who have lots of it. So do we socialists want those laws to be fairly enforced?


    'Justice' is of no interest to the working class. ‘Justice’ is nonsense. If workers wait for justice we will wait forever. Justice is the economic and political will of a ruling class disguised as universal law.What has been considered 'justice' has changed in line with the interests of the ruling class.A ruling class always considers that which serves its economic and political interests is ‘just’ and that which doesn’t is unjust.“It is justice who gives the slaveholder the right to posses men like chattel; it is she again who gives the capitalist the right to exploit the children, women and men of the proletariat worse than beasts of Burden” (Marx)Capitalists believe that ‘fair exchange’ is justice because it leaves them with profit. Justice? No thanks, I want the common ownership of the earth, which will be ‘unjust’ to the capitalists.


    ParamjeetWhat happened to the questions? Just when I thought you were taking an interest in what we're saying on this website, about common ownership of the world's resources, you post yet another example of your own decidedly non-socialist agenda.Your 'Law and Justice' manifesto says nothing about the class-based nature of capitalist society and proposes no alternative to the capitalist system. That's what this website is about – the abolition of capitalism, and along with it all of its legal system, which is essentially about property and exists to enforce rule by a minority elite. What do you think of that, or aren't you going to tell us?


    Dear ALB, Thank you for your comment. Indeed, you have a very valid point. The content of law (i.e. substantial law) should not serve the interests of only the "haves". Rather, it should be directed towards the welfare of all ensuring equality at all costs. Best wishes. 

    Vin Maratty wrote:
    'Justice' is of no interest to the working class. ‘Justice’ is nonsense. If workers wait for justice we will wait forever. Justice is the economic and political will of a ruling class disguised as universal law.What has been considered 'justice' has changed in line with the interests of the ruling class.A ruling class always considers that which serves its economic and political interests is ‘just’ and that which doesn’t is unjust.“It is justice who gives the slaveholder the right to posses men like chattel; it is she again who gives the capitalist the right to exploit the children, women and men of the proletariat worse than beasts of Burden” (Marx)Capitalists believe that ‘fair exchange’ is justice because it leaves them with profit. Justice? No thanks, I want the common ownership of the earth, which will be ‘unjust’ to the capitalists.

    Dear Vin, Thank you for your comments and an apt observation. Your views reflect the conpemtorary position of law and justice in the society. However, what Socialist Center stands for is the justice that is not for only a particular section of the society ensure but for everyone. Ruling class should have no interest in "ruling" the society. Its job should be only administrative and to translate the aspirations of all the people into reality; ensuring welfare of all- to the detriment of none. "Justice" is what is just for everyone- when everyone is treated equally in the eyes of law.Have a great weekend! 

    rodshaw wrote:
    ParamjeetWhat happened to the questions? Just when I thought you were taking an interest in what we're saying on this website, about common ownership of the world's resources, you post yet another example of your own decidedly non-socialist agenda.Your 'Law and Justice' manifesto says nothing about the class-based nature of capitalist society and proposes no alternative to the capitalist system. That's what this website is about – the abolition of capitalism, and along with it all of its legal system, which is essentially about property and exists to enforce rule by a minority elite. What do you think of that, or aren't you going to tell us?

     Dear Rodshaw, Thank you for your comments. Class-based capitalist society is wrong ad should be abolished. The alternative to capitalist system is a system that is characterised by socialism. Socialist Center fully endorse the prosposition that the resources on the earth belongs to everyone and, therefore, they should be utilised for the welfare of all. Abolition of capitalism is crucial and so is the destruction of the capitalistic legal system thats, in your words, "is essentially about property and exists to enforce rule by a minority elite". However, this doesnt discard the requirement and the relevance of existence and sustenance of a socialist legal system that has its genesis in the ground realities of the aspirations of the society and its constituents as well as the need to establish a welfare state.In the same way, the requirement and role of a government (a system)- a government that govers a welfare state cannot be undermined. If the mankind was left on its own to the "responsibility" of the individuals, anarchy will prevail and capitalism will once again come into existence. To counter capitalism, existence of a strong welfare and socialst state is a must.Have a nice weekend.     


    What is the point of continually humouring this guy? He's as bad as that loon from TZM. The phrase about brick walls comes to mind.

    steve colborn

     To counter capitalism, existence of a strong welfare and socialst state is a must. A welfare state is merely a sop to the working class. Moreover, it is no counter to Capitalism. As for a "socialist state" this is an oxymoron. One is incompatible with the other.


    Dear Steve, for me a socialist state is a welfare state. I also stand for complete abolition of capitalism (though I am little bit skepticle about it becoming a reality without any "exceptionally strong power in the control of the system). However, the attributes of that socialist state might be different in our respective views. There is no doubt that the resources on this earth belong to every one and should be utilizsed for the welfare of all. But the model and the practicalities that system have to be specified in details for there to be any 'takers' of the idea. Otherwise, only a strong and a truly socialist government can deliver socialism.  

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