Israel V Iran

September 2024 Forums General discussion Israel V Iran

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  • #132731

    They want to be the policeman of the universe. Everything started since the first day that the goddam Puritans placed their foot in the continent from the Mayflower. Like Malcolm X said we did not land on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock landed on us

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    That Iran certainly is not officially anti-semitic can be read here although like many other nations including its allies, Israel's policies no doubt provoke anti-semitic attitudes

    I didn't know that. That's really interesting. More here:, the Israel-Iran war — which has already started with Israel's almost daily bombings of Iranian military installations in Syria — is not about the persecution of Jews in Iran. It's part of the geopolitical conflict over control of the Middle East and its oil, with Israel backing the US which sees growing Iranian influence in the area as a threat to its "vital interests" there. And Iran wanting to dismantle the "Zionist entity" that is Israel as an obstacle to their domination of the area. A clash of "malign influences".

    ALB wrote:
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    That Iran certainly is not officially anti-semitic can be read here although like many other nations including its allies, Israel's policies no doubt provoke anti-semitic attitudes

    I didn't know that. That's really interesting. More here:, the Israel-Iran war — which has already started with Israel's almost daily bombings of Iranian military installations in Syria — is not about the persecution of Jews in Iran. It's part of the geopolitical conflict over control of the Middle East and its oil, with Israel backing the US which sees growing Iranian influence in the area as a threat to its "vital interests" there. And Iran wanting to dismantle the "Zionist entity" that is Israel as an obstacle to their domination of the area. A clash of "malign influences".

    it was the same situation in Iraq until the invaders arrived. They had Catholics working for the state. Jews Islamic and Catholics lived in peace and able to practice their own religion and then the Protestant came with hate speeches and forcing peoples to be baptized like the catholic did to the red man  it is geopolitical and petroleum using the excuse of anti semitiism.  Biblically according to the mythology the real Semitic are the Africans 


    Israeli media reported this week that Israel and Russia have reached an agreement that allows Syrian government troops under President Bashar Assad to return to the Golan Heights border region, as long as the Russians guarantee no Iranian or Hezbollah troops will be there. Israel's government has increasingly voiced concerned about Iran's presence in Syria in recent months and, since February, launched repeated airstrikes against Iranian military targets in the country…Russia is hoping to keep the two countries from waging a full-blown proxy war in Syria, explained Yossi Mekelberg, an international relations professor at Regent's University London and research fellow at the Chatham House think tank. "The Russians would not like to see Syria become a battlefield between Israel and Iran. It diverts from Russian interests," he told DW. "The Russians are not great friends with Iran. They have a common interest with the Iranians to keep Assad in power, but that's about it."

    I see he's the author this book presumably criticises the Zionist project from a Jewish religious point of view.


    Netanyahu has embarked on a three-day trip to Europe to push leaders in Germany, France and Britain away from the Iran nuclear deal. Netanyahu flew on Monday morning to Berlin, where he is due to meet Angela Merkel, before flying to Paris to speak with Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday. He will then travel to Britain for a meeting with Theresa May.“I will meet there with three leaders and will discuss two subjects: Iran and Iran,” he said.Meanwhile, the director general of the UN nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), said his inspectors had access to all the sites his team needed to visit in Iran.  Yukiya Amano rebutted suggestions that Iran was not cooperating.


    I wonder if he will tell Macron that he's a self-loathing Jew for not being a Zionist?


    What about the arsenal of atomic bombs that Israel has?  Israel's Nuclear Arsenal

    Inactive USA House of Representative unanimous vote, no legal right to attack Iran.It looks like a palace coup


    Israel has accused Iran of fuelling recent violence on the Gaza border that has seen more than 100 Palestinians killed amid protests against Israel.Leaflets dropped by them state "Behind this agenda is Shia Iran, which has made it its mission to inflame tensions in the region for the sake of its religious and sectarian interests."I notice it says "Shia Iran" just to appeal to the Sunni muslims in a bigoted divide and rule attempt


    As an opponent of BDS Netanyahu certainly knows the power of trade tacticsHe said the Iranian nuclear deal was “effectively defunct” regardless of European support for it, since the weight of the US sanctions was forcing firms to make a choice about whether to do business with Iran or the US. Companies were having the choose between an economy that was 3% of the size of the US economy or forgo a multi-trillion market, he said. “It is a no-brainer,” he said, “and everyone is choosing effectively as we speak. Companies are pulling out of Iran.”By removing an incentive to do business with Iran, the US had smashed Iran’s cash machine, he claimed.


    Gonen Segev, former energy and infrastructure minister of Israel and ex-drug smuggler who “was recruited and acted as an agent on behalf of Iranian intelligence” has been arrested and charged with spying after being extradited to Israel from Equatorial Guinea

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