Head office window

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Head office window

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  • #193084
    Bijou Drains

    I was taking to another NE member the other day and he made a suggestion for HO window that makes perfect sense to me.

    As most of the people who pass the window are on public transport, or in cars, shouldn’t we treat the window as effectively a large bill board, with a simple message (such as “why do children starve when there is food for everyone”, “how do we end war” or some other simple message) and the party website on it. If the message changed every month or so, it might be something that attracts people to check out the website, etc.

    It’s got to be better than the party banner and a dead wasp, which was what was in the window the last time I was at HO.

    Similarly could the space below the party sign, have boarding which displays the website, would seem sensible to me.


    Excellent idea BD.   But why not have an electronic message display board that changes messages every hour or so,   Something big and bold and highly visible.  Or even a large scale screen able to display images

    Bijou Drains

    Sounds cock on to me


    The potential of the heavy foot-fall of Clapham High St has been talked about many times and we had a monitor and we had some sort of message device that could be programmed in the window. We also had a sandwich board that was put in the door-way when we were open.

    Not big enough to capture the attention of bus passengers though.

    Two things I have suggested in the past to catch the eye, is that we already have in place metal brackets for a hanging sign that has never been made use of.

    And I have suggested that we can simply fly red flags from our building to stand out.

    We have repeated debates on employing a full time (even part-time) paid HO organiser whose duty should involve ensuring we take advantage of passers-by and as DC indicated the need for someone having responsibility for the general upkeep of the HO – a care-taker janitor job. Such debates are never resolved.

    Did your proposed voluntary deep-clean project which if I recall was due about this time happen, BD? Or is another call required?


    Most of the above suggestions are all fine and dandy but the implementation of them, as with the fixing of HO’s central heating, will prove to be much easier said than done.

    The Party simply doesn’t have the members with the necessary knowledge, expertise, or motivation.   😥


    Apologies for pissing on your parade but there are council regulations that have to be met — they already told us what material to use for the fascia and A-boards are in theory banned in Clapham High Street with a fine if you are caught. Still, local churches can get away with billboards outside their premises saying god needs you, so we might get away with it. Dealing with these questions is what we have an EC for.

    Advice on head office window is always welcome from any part of the world, as it would be on heating problems there. We did of course used to have until a few months ago a member with expertise on this ….

    Forgot to add BD that there haven’t been dead flies in head office window for decades. When you saw one it must have been when you were down to see Newcastle last  play in the Cup Final.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by ALB.

    Of course, the council rules are absurd when you can’t walk down the High St without dodging tables and chairs on the middle of the pavement.


    “Advice on head office window is always welcome from any part of the world, as it would be on heating problems there.”

    I gave advice on the central heating problem back in November and even remotely identified the probable cause based on the boiler fault code.  I also recommended who to contact in order to rectify the problem.  Whether that advice was followed up is anyone’s guess and as I’m now ‘out of the loop’ I have no real way of knowing.

    “Forgot to add BD that there haven’t been dead flies in head office window for decades.”

    BD said it was a wasp but there haven’t been any of those either AFAIK.

    Bijou Drains

    Forgot to add BD that there haven’t been dead flies in head office window for decades. When you saw one it must have been when you were down to see Newcastle last  play in the Cup Final.

    Last time I was down was Easter about three years ago, idiot that I am I forgot to check that conference was actually on on Easter weekend, which it wasn’t. Had hotel booked for two nights, non refundable, so went to see Kingstonians play at home (AFC Wimbledon play there so at least I got another one off the list of 92) and then got pissed on my jack in a Hotel in Kingston upon Thames!

    Bijou Drains

    Alan – “Did your proposed voluntary deep-clean project which if I recall was due about this time happen, BD? Or is another call required?”

    It didn’t, this time. However I have been talking to Cde McPharter, who has recently retired and he is keen to accompany me to carry out the task. I thought it best to liaise with the new premises committee about a time and date, I thought after conference would be best, delegates can be messy buggers!

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