Future elections

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Future elections

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  • #81823
    Alex Woodrow

    So, I have been thinking. If we, the Socialist Party of Great Britain, want to do well in elections, then I think it would be wise not to stand in any constituencies in the next few years but, instead, concentrate on Town, Parish, Borough, District and County Council seats. The reason I say this is because people often see parties who focus more on parliamentary seats rather than council seats as being career parties, rather than parties that stick to their principles. So this is why I think we should only stand at local level for the next few years, because if we stand in, let's say, many Town and Parish council seats then people will start to see that we are not in it for the money like all of the other political partires, but that we do actually care about the people and want to bring REAL change. Also, if we stand at local level, we can communicate more with ordinary people than what the capitalist elite will ever be able to, hence we will be able to get our message of people power democracy across to the masses if we get elected Town and Parish councillors. Though anyway this is all just a thought, and I would be grateful to hear anyone elses view on this matter. 

    steve colborn

    Although not a member of the party now, I have, in the last 20 years or so, stood in every local election, as a Socialist Party candidate. Mine and others letters, literally in their hundreds, have put the case for Socialism in the area I live in. No one and I mean, "no one", can say the letters from Bobby Gleghorn, Pat Maratty, Vin Maratty, Eileen Maratty, Stephen Davison,  Kevin Lennon, John Bissett, Linda Maratty, Fred DobInson, me and a multitude of other members in this region, have not had a lasting impression on the people of the North East!I am not a member now but I intend to contest the Deneside seat at the County Council and parish council elections. I will not be putting out a Manifesto, no cash, no physical ability to deliver a Manifesto but I will be talking to voters, putting the case for Socialism, the case of the SPGB, in everything but name, in every place and to everyone I can.I will, as I ever have done, tell the voters, that unless they understand and agree with the aim of ushering in a Socialist society, with everything that entails then, no matter how it may impact on a vote for me, then do not vote for me. It will be a wasted vote.I may not now, be a member of the SPGB but I am still a Socialist. As long as I live, I will put the case for the same. Steve.


    Good luck, Steve.

    Alex Woodrow

    This is very good, and I just want to say Steve good luck mate because you certainly deserve it.


    Steve,good to hear that you are still standing. I will offer my help and support. I may have a few ideas, too vin

    steve colborn

    Thank you everyone. I'll do my best to put the case. Thanks for the offer Vin, much appreciated. Steve.


    For the County Council elections you'll have to be described on the ballot paper as an "Independent" or, better, without any description at all. But for the Town Council election, as a "parish council", the old rules apply and you'll be able to use a description of up to six words which does not confuse you with any registered party. I'm sure you will be able to think of something, eg PROFITS NOT PEOPLE CANDIDATE or DOWN WITH CAPITALISM CANDIDATE or ANTi-CAPITALISM CANDIDATE.


    At our annual conference yesterday delegates carried a floor resolution asking the Executive Committee to seriously consider contesting at least Wales and/or Scotland in the European Parliament elections next year, with one aim being to obtain a party political broadcast in these regions.Local elections, including in London, will be held the same day. We'll probably have some standing in them too.

    ALB wrote:
     I'm sure you will be able to think of something, eg PROFITS NOT PEOPLE CANDIDATE

    Ouch, Adam,  has Steve switched sides?But,  Steve any statements or letters you make , SOYMB blog being less strict on guidelines than the Standard can publish them so pass any on to us.

    Alex Woodrow wrote:
    So, I have been thinking. If we, the Socialist Party of Great Britain, want to do well in elections, then I think it would be wise not to stand in any constituencies in the next few years but, instead, concentrate on Town, Parish, Borough, District and County Council seats. The reason I say this is because people often see parties who focus more on parliamentary seats rather than council seats as being career parties, rather than parties that stick to their principles. So this is why I think we should only stand at local level for the next few years, because if we stand in, let's say, many Town and Parish council seats then people will start to see that we are not in it for the money like all of the other political partires, but that we do actually care about the people and want to bring REAL change. Also, if we stand at local level, we can communicate more with ordinary people than what the capitalist elite will ever be able to, hence we will be able to get our message of people power democracy across to the masses if we get elected Town and Parish councillors. Though anyway this is all just a thought, and I would be grateful to hear anyone elses view on this matter. 

    It is good to see some reference to gaining the trust of real people, by using local democracy.The aim of the SPGB is to use established electoral democracy in order that the majority can take control away from capitalism effectively and peacefully. If such a democratic approach is taken, votes are needed. Obviously we want votes from those who understand they are voting to empower themselves. So how do we persuade the majority of workers that a vote for the WSM is a vote for themselves?The answer as far as I can see, is what Alex has touched upon and what Steve is aiming for. The WSM has to find ways within local communities to connect with people, to build trust. It will not be easy and it will not be quick. And it can only be done effectively with full party support.This issue is the most important thing the SPGB have to offer, that could begin to make a real difference. There is still hope.

    Alex Woodrow

    Thanks for the comment SocialistPunk. I completely agree with you, the party needs to reach out to local communities worldwide so we can get our message across of people power democracy.Also ALB, may I ask why is the party putting candidates forward in the next European election? I mean, correct me if I am wrong but, wouldn't it make more sense to only stand in local elections?


    100% with you there Alex.There is little point in contesting Euro elections without building any base support. May as well go around with fake smiles, shaking hands and kissing babies etc.Building local trust, and contesting local elections is the way forward. The WSM needs to show democratic socialism in action.

    steve colborn wrote:
    I am not a member now but I intend to contest the Deneside seat at the County Council and parish council elections. I will not be putting out a Manifesto, no cash, no physical ability to deliver a Manifesto but I will be talking to voters, putting the case for Socialism, the case of the SPGB, in everything but name, in every place and to everyone I can. Steve.

      Leaflets can be delivered @ £25 per 1000 in the NE, perhaps with donations from sympathisers! 

    Alex Woodrow

    Agreed mate. We need to show that we are ordinary members of the community, not elitists in Brussels or Westminster. The party shouldn't stand in any UK parliament elections or European elections for the time being, but instead stand in local elections to get support from ordinary workers up and down the country and in the rest of the world.


    The plan is to stand in either Scotland or Wales for the Euro-elections. EU constituences are bigger and fewer there.This will permit the Party to have political party broadcast in those countries. Its an easier route than the Westminster way of getting an airing. As always the purpose in standing at this juncture in time is not to get elected but use the election for propaganda purposes. It will means the party  creating a video and a radio message which obviously will be put on you tube and every where else we can for a wider audience dissemination so everyone with internet can participate in that side of it. It will still be a costly project…lost election deposits, leaflet costs and of course the money needed for a professional looking election broadcast. Personally i think it is worth it while we have the funds available. In recent exchanges on discussion lists, i have been challenged  with criticism of the party that while we promote the use of parliament we are reluctant to stand. This may well put us on the map again but certinly on the ballot paper. In Scotland the voting is done by a manner of first second and third choices, so it be interesting to see from those on the left how we fare in their  options.I'm sure Adam will add to the technical advantages of standing in EU election when he has time from conference.

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