Forum Moderation

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Forum Moderation

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  • #246790

    Yes, there do seem to be more tools there, however, for now we’re working with what we’ve got, but, yes, I’m sure the internet committee are keeping an eye on such comments as this.

    I do not know why the Socialist Party selected and spent money on Word Press when there are better choices out there, even more, the prior software was much better and it had a better search engine


    And I don’t know why this forum permits innumerable (and therefore monopolising) posts from any one particular individual. AFAIK most forums set a daily limit on the number of times a user can post.


    “I do not know why the Socialist Party selected and spent money on Word Press”

    FWIW the version of Drupal the former site was running on needed to be updated for security, updating between versions of Drupal is a task more suited for professional level web developers, as there was no-longer no-longer anyone on the committee with those abilities I guess that is one of the reasons the choice to move to WordPress was made – I was not party to the decision. It’s true, some functionality has been lost, but too late now…



    Rule 6 states: Do not make repeated postings of the same or similar messages to the same thread, or to multiple threads or forums (‘cross-posting’). Do not make multiple postings within a thread that could be consolidated into a single post (‘serial posting’). Do not post an excessive number of threads, posts, or private messages within a limited period of time (‘flooding’).

    There is no daily limit, and moderators have some scope for judgement call (e.g. when the forums are quiet), but if in the opinion of a moderator anyone was in violation of this rule they would be warned in the first instance and then excess posts removed or the user would be banned.


    And I don’t know why this forum permits innumerable (and therefore monopolising) posts from any one particular individual. AFAIK most forums set a daily limit on the number of times a user can post.

    In most forum they have moderation to filter messages to avoid trolls, and trolls are blocked, and in most forums the rule is, attack the message but do not attack the messenger


    That rule was created during the time of Yahoo Groups when we had a high volumes of posts and thousands of members, and we had a bunch of trolls and provocateurs sending the same messages at the same time, and moderators had to work harder in order to control trolling and disruptions of the forums which was the main intentions of those trolls. Serious posts and serious discussions were allowed to be posted and childish messages were rejected. Most of them were hackers, trolls, anticommunists, Neo-Nazis, rightwigers who liked to investigate the private life of the members and moderators of the forum in order to send the informations to the CIA, Mossad and Homeland security and some members and moderator received life threats messages


    Why the Socialist Party continue having its internal discussions in a public forum ? It should be private to avoid trolls and provocateurs using our internal affairs in order to discredit the socialist party. Do not feed the trolls. Most political organizations ( including the WSPUS ) have private forums.

    PS The geographic location of any member should not be published in this forum, that is the private life of that person, it is like giving personal informations to the class enemies


    The moderators of this forum take too much shits from trolls, trouble makers, and gossipers, when Matt was the moderators he did not allow trolls in this forum.

    The Marxist-Leninists forum they do not have trolls because they are kicked out immediately.

    We do need moderation in this forum, similar to Yahoo Groups and Groups IO and the IC should take that into consideration


    A general point, I don’t intend to keep a running commentary going of moderation. If you see a post of yours has disappeared, check the mod log: I try not to name names, but a good clue will be if I say I’ve binned something from a thread. I will only name names if I think someone needs to be alerted to their repeat behaviour.


    So, now you are deleting messages without the messenger be informed first, and then we have to look in the mod log to find any message that has not been posted.

    The proper procedure is to send back the message to the participant that sent the message and be informed of the violation. This is not moderation, this is censorship.

    The peoples that constantly participate in this forum and are always looking for topics and making research are not informed about their messages that have been deleted.

    The members who constantly participate in this forum are the ones who keep it alive, otherwise it would be a dead end

    It would be better to participate in a different forum including the Leninist forums who have real moderation, and here the trolls and trouble makers continue participating in this forum.

    I think I am going to get the fuck out of here and continue on my own


    I don’t have the means or the time to privately communicate with people. I have three moderating tools: edit (which is problematic, but I have used), bin and unapprove – my inclination is to simply bin pointless, boring or irrelevant posts: I don’t know if the users get any notification if I unapprove.

    Rule 12 is clear:

    12. Moderators may move, remove, or lock any threads or posts which they deem to be off-topic or in violation of the rules. Because posts and threads can be deleted without advance notice, it is your responsibility to make copies of threads and posts which are important to you.

    The mod log is an attempt to be transparent without being intrusive and to avoid moderation becoming the sole endless topic of debate.

Viewing 11 posts - 16 through 26 (of 26 total)
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