Fellow travellers?

December 2024 Forums General discussion Fellow travellers?

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  • #94427

     Adam wrote "the reaction of the Brazil government in offering reforms to try to allay the discontent suggests that this is the more likely scenario that the last capitalist government will follow in the event of powerful and growing socialist movement."Exactly the same point made by the SOYMB blog yesterday, stealing the thoughts of the late Stan Parker. http://www.socialismoryourmoneyback.blogspot.com/2013/06/the-peoples-assembly-and-reforms.html “Only the threat of a socialist movement setting down as the only realistic and immediate aim the establishment of social property of society’s means of existence so as to ensure their management by and in the interest of the whole community, would be able to force the capitalists to concede reforms favourable to the workers for fear of losing the whole cake. Yet more reason to advance the maximum programme of socialism….. ….If the view remains that the struggle for reforms is worthwhile then imagine just how many palliatives and ameliorations will be offered and conceded by a besieged capitalist class in a desperate attempt to retain ownership rights if the working class were demanding the maximum programme of full and complete appropriation and nothing less. To stem the socialist tide the capitalist parties will sink their differences and draw closer together, much as religions do today in the face of the world avalanche of atheism. Reforms now derided as utopian will be two-a-penny – in an attempt to fob off the workers. Perhaps, for example, capitalism will provide a batch of free services, on the understanding that this is "the beginning" of a free society, but socialists will not be fooled and taken in by this blatant bribery….” I would be curious about just how many workers would accept the bigger slice of cake…was it Quentin Hogg who said reform is the antidiote to revolution…or someone else… 


    The capitalist conspiracy – those who control the world…or try tohttp://www.alternet.org/occupy-wall-street/elite-business-and-think-tank-attempts-control-world?paging=off


    The latest conspiracy and cover up. In 1996 TWA crashed now a documentary claims it was shot down by a missile and not an accident. This article wonders why the missile conspiracy is given credence?If the missile theory had originally been agreed then important but expensive safety regulations brought in after the accident would have been left on paper and we'd still be flying in potentially unsafe planes. This articlehttp://edition.cnn.com/2013/06/20/opinion/adcock-flight-800/index.html?iid=article_sidebar


    Another provocative article from New Democracy World and John Spritzler, throwing out the baby with the bath-waterhttp://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL1307/S00065/socialism-and-communism-no-democratic-revolution-yes.htmI’m sure he does know better but he chooses to apply popular misconceptions to bolster his case.

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