Education in Socialism/Communism

May 2024 Forums General discussion Education in Socialism/Communism

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  • #83940
    Capitalist Pig

    As you know most of what we learn in school up until college is chosen for us so my question is, can we do better in communism with education than in capitalism? I think we can indeed but will their be no system, no basic curriculum in school so the students may choose to learn, or not to learn whatever they pleased in communism? If this is the case then how will teachers be sure students are learning anything at all and not just goofing off all day? Will education be basically the same in communism because of this uncertainty? 


    Thankyou for your replies this is a subject I am very interested to hear your imput on :)


    There has been a history of free schools…i mean genuine libertarian education schools, not those contemporary hijacking of those terms by the Tories.Summerhill, pioneered by the late AS Neil, for instance. So we are not working from a vacuum. Marx himself seemed to link education with work experience…promoter of technical colleges and part-time training on the jobSome sources to follow up

    Capitalist Pig

    geez where do you find these articles? do you write them yourself? Thanks for sharing this with me i've never heard of progressive or alternative education before. 


    When education is freed from the constraints of capitalistic, profit-based demands, it's bound to become a lot more fluid and amorphous. Those who enjoy teaching and mentoring would no doubt enjoy their new liberated roles in a socialist society.But I think a distinction needs to be drawn between education and training. 'Vocational' training will still be required in a socialist society, and will be as strict as necessary for the job in hand. Nobody wants to be flown by a half-trained pilot, or advised by an incompetent surveyor.Education – which could broadly be thought of as self-improvement – I see as being much more fluid than at present. Would there be a set of commonly-agreed targets to achieve, like the three Rs, which were seen as needing to be taught in some kind of school? Possibly, but I think this kind of stuff, and other 'basic' things that were useful to know, would be mostly soaked up from a person's environment as they grew.I would not envisage the type of formal schooling that drills into unwilling pupils by the hour the laws of physics, the rules of grammar, the history of kings and queens or the differences between different kinds of rocks.It's only in the capitalist era that our industrial-style schooling system has existed.

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